September 12

I just finished listening to the whole disc. Heres my summary in brief:

Hmmmm.....WOW....After completely disappointing me post "Black Album", they have really seemed to focus and go back to their roots so to speak. I will definitely be hitting Best Buy next Friday to buy this disc. Sounds like a mix of "Justice" and "Ride The Lightning" to me with just a tad of "Black" for good measure.:rock::rock::rock::rock:
I like the 7 or so GNR songs I have heard from Chinese Dem.

As for Metallica, I have it on pre order for free from thanks to a b-day gift card.

I don't like the argument that people should stick with a band if they determine they no longer like the music the band is putting out.

There are tons of killer metal bands in all the various metal genres. I don't owe my loyalty to any one band. Cd's cost too much money. It is cool for them to put out any type of music they want and I have the right to buy or not buy it.