Sepultura- Beneath The Remains

i remember seeing them on the beneath the remains tour at the marquee in london.when it came to playing mass hypnosis,max tried to get everyone to shout the name of the song.unfortunatly,his grasp of english wasnt total at the time and he n said to us all "i want you to shout-mass hippynosis".we pissed our had to be there i guess.
It wiped its ass with Reign In Blood.

I'm getting tired of people naming those albums in the same sentence. Sepultura owned Slayer every time Max opened his mouth. Igor Cavalera is twice the drummer that Bostaph and Lombardo would be put together.

And I'm a Slayer fan, too. Just a testament to Sepultura's greatness.
Nation was a crap album. Not anything like what they used to be. I've not got the latest one but the best has to be Chaos AD. But hen again Roots, Arise and Beneath The Remains were all excellent as well.
Sepultura will always rock!