Serious question: choose the more talented band - WINGER or MAIDEN

zeppelin said:
That's harsh man :confused:

Maybe so but I'm sick to death of this "Iron Maiden is the be all end all" fucking bulllshit They're NOT The First album is great so is X-Factor doesnt make me a huge fan ... not even a small one ... So what if I dont think IM is all that great its not like my opinion should count for much ... Dont take my low opinion of Maiden as an insult ... its just that other ppl have taken joy in trashing something I like so I figure I have a right to do it right back ..... Iron maiden aint all that
Greeno said:
Nice post.... accept for your use of "superior talent" and "Led Zeppelin" in the same sentence. :)

I endorse this notion :Spin:

No bad feelings zeppie, we are just getting on the old JD-stress-relief wagon :lol:
Wyvern said:
I endorse this notion :Spin:

No bad feelings zeppie, we are just getting on the old JD-stress-relief wagon :lol:

Absolutely ... my comments were in noway directed at you Zeppie! .... I was just trying to show some people the otherside that they seem to forget when they are ganging up on others likes ... anyways No Offence Zep!
Winger isn't even in the same league as Maiden, not even the Blaze era Maiden...
That's kinda of an unfair comparison isn't it? It's like putting Warrant next to let's say
Judas Priest! I don't know where you're going with this, but I say hands down Maiden.
You can't even compare Kip's playing(?) with Steve Harris & I think you couldn't argue this...
sixxswine said:
Winger isn't even in the same league as Maiden, not even the Blaze era Maiden...
That's kinda of an unfair comparison isn't it? It's like putting Warrant next to let's say
Judas Priest! I don't know where you're going with this, but I say hands down Maiden.
You can't even compare Kip's playing(?) with Steve Harris & I think you couldn't argue this...

But Kip DID have nicer teeth! :tickled:

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
sixxswine said:
Winger isn't even in the same league as Maiden, not even the Blaze era Maiden...
That's kinda of an unfair comparison isn't it? It's like putting Warrant next to let's say
Judas Priest! I don't know where you're going with this, but I say hands down Maiden.
You can't even compare Kip's playing(?) with Steve Harris & I think you couldn't argue this...

Oh its Totally unfair to compare them they are 2 completely different leagues Winger was a Hard Rock band that got a bad rap basiclly ... Theyre work on Pull was Prolly better than 90% of the other hair bands could dream of doing particularly in that era of the early 90's when the grunge thing was taking over and alot of those bands were trying to get heavier and more "Badass" Example Warrant ... Dog eat dog is a great record prolly their best But they went from poofy to trying to be all bad ... I feel winger was more true to the MUSIC on their final realese .... as for playing they both had theyre own styles but its not like Steve has done anything that innovative since the mid 80's and Kip never did hahaha but that would only put him a slight notch ahead ... Basic what I was trying to say in my rant was that I dont have the Highst opinion of Iron Maiden other than a few albums I dont really care for em as far as I am concerned my opinion of them really doesnt count for much cause theres not alot of positives in it and mmmm hahaha I dont know ADD is kicking in now:headbang:
And JD Dog Eat Dog by Warrant was & still is a great record, more hard rock & metal than "fluff" like their previous work...
I would compare that disc with Winger's PULL disc, which is more of a straight forward disc with well written songs & less on the pop side...
I love reubens haha! Im also was thinking about a another european kind of a hair
metal band that had a little bit of substance I listened to in the late 80's while I
was stationed in Germany named Bonfire I wonder whatever happened to them?
sixxswine said:
Can you imagine a German band doing southern rock?

Can you imagine a southern band playing kraut rock? :lol:
sixxswine said:
And JD Dog Eat Dog by Warrant was & still is a great record, more hard rock & metal than "fluff" like their previous work...
I would compare that disc with Winger's PULL disc, which is more of a straight forward disc with well written songs & less on the pop side...

Dude I totally agree Dog eat dog was Warrants Finest work!!! when I do Listen to Warrant its that album ... I didnt actually mean to word that so I insulted that album ... I was thinking more along the lines of them looking like asses for totally changing theyre Image ... Musically if they had gone with the style of Dog eat Dog from the git go they would prolly be far more respected than they are now and the same goes for Winger ... Pull is an Awsome album I love it but at the same time In the Heart of the Young is one of the biggest piles of crap ever produced ... We have discussed this many times before hahaha
Wyvern said:
Can you imagine a southern band playing kraut rock? :lol:

Sorry to put a butt in ya'lls joke, but I can imagine either doing either. There isn't a big difference between blues-based rock and Southern rock. Without blues music; rock, country and R&B as we all know it, may not exist.
In the 80's, Euro bands sounded "European." These days, non-English first speaking people (like Carnut, Hawk, Wyvern etc.) speak English as well as English first citiczens and more of the bands all "sound" English first.
The only difference between southern rock and a blues based rock band is a touch of country music and country was formed from folk and blues anyway. Though Europe is a little more compact, there certainly is farmland and cattle rasing just like in many parts of the US.
Can a German write "true" American Southern Rock in a way that can express the way a "Southern American" feels ? Probably not exactly, but they are certainly welcomed to interpret their vision of what being and living in "The South" is.
I don't know what it feels like to be German, but I can honestly say my two favorite bands in the world are German. My style of music playing also is highly influenced by those two bands. In a way, though I might not understand it per se, if I were to ever start a band and be the major songwriter, ny band would probably sound very "German" be it by influence as opposed to experience.

Ugh actually maybe not kraut rock but in kind of a related note there was a great
USBM band out of Huntsville that unfortunately just lost their vocalist in a car
accident named Blood Stained Dusk. I think Ram-Jam was from Germany and if
Black Betty even though it had a disco beat wasnt Southren Rock sounding I dont know what is.
Bryant said:
Sorry to put a butt in ya'lls joke, but I can imagine either doing either. There isn't a big difference between blues-based rock and Southern rock. Without blues music; rock, country and R&B as we all know it, may not exist.
In the 80's, Euro bands sounded "European." These days, non-English first speaking people (like Carnut, Hawk, Wyvern etc.) speak English as well as English first citiczens and more of the bands all "sound" English first.
The only difference between southern rock and a blues based rock band is a touch of country music and country was formed from folk and blues anyway. Though Europe is a little more compact, there certainly is farmland and cattle rasing just like in many parts of the US.
Can a German write "true" American Southern Rock in a way that can express the way a "Southern American" feels ? Probably not exactly, but they are certainly welcomed to interpret their vision of what being and living in "The South" is.
I don't know what it feels like to be German, but I can honestly say my two favorite bands in the world are German. My style of music playing also is highly influenced by those two bands. In a way, though I might not understand it per se, if I were to ever start a band and be the major songwriter, ny band would probably sound very "German" be it by influence as opposed to experience.


I don't know if to bash you for being a party popper or thank you for a good insightful post.

Who I'm kidding here? We know I'm going to thank you :D :wave:
And to confirm your thesis I ask the people to please check The Coffinshakers. And while you're hearing it remember they're from Sweden ;)