Serious question: choose the more talented band - WINGER or MAIDEN

JonnyD said:
Thats Creative! Close minded bastard

Calm down people. JD you know Marine is anti-glam and I am anti-Black, but I'm sure he's not flaming or trying to piss anyone. I agree he could post it with more elegance but no one here is perfect.

@ Marine: please let's try to be less "agressive" for a while ;) . The infiltrators had put evryone on the edge lately, if we want to keep the forum alive we must show our superior intelligence and not only avoid them (ignore list rules) but also post better among us.

We are UMOS, we are better than the rest :headbang:
Wyvern said:
Calm down people. JD you know Marine is anti-glam

I know that ... There are things I dont like that other ppl do like but you dont see me going out of my way to be a jerk and push that kind of opinion around its remarks like his that make it undesirable to post around here we all know how he feels about it and I honestly couldnt care less whether or not he likes a form of music its his complete lack of respect that bothers me ... enough is enough ... on a positive note ... Wyvern your efforts are comendable!:headbang:
I'm votin' Winger! :headbang:

Actually I would say they are pretty much even.
Steve is a better bass player & Bruce is a better singer & Nicko is a better drummer.
Reb is a far better guitarist and I think Winger are better songwriters (and songwriting counts for the most for me).

But songwriting is alot more subjective than musicianship (which is subjective enough as it is) because it totally depends on taste. Personally to me I think songwriting is all about hooks and I think Winger win out there by far, but for some people songwriting is more about complex arrangements in which case Maiden would win. I just think its alot easier to compose a long and complex arrangement than it is to come up with a great hook or moving melody. I find it harder anyway, I can write power metal style stuff in my sleep if I wanted to coz its easy, even though playing it is more challenging as a band, but I think being able to write something simple that's magic and memorable is alot harder and just has to "happen" sometimes, unless you're Desmond Child and just know how to do it as simply as most people know how to write their name.

And also Maiden have written alot of memorable and magic stuff too, so its a very hard decision. Wasted Years & Flight Of Icarus in particular are just amazing songs. Personally I think Rime of The Ancient Mariner is excessive drivel and I can't listen to it (where the fuck is the chorus?) so that would be the last song I'd use as an example of their good writing...

But I gotta go Winger by a hair just for the consistency of their catchy songwriting, and for Reb's outstanding guitar playing which outshines anyone from Maiden's personal musical skill imo!
Ooh just saw a Warrant discussion. Yep I do love Dog Eat Dog too, I like it better than Cherry Pie (the best song on that album is easily Mr. Rainmaker I reckon!). All My Bridges Are Burning is by far the best song on it, amazing song! And stuff like Bonfire, April 2031, Quicksand, Hole In My Wall etc are great too.

However I do think, without a doubt, the best Warrant album is Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinkin' Rich. My reason? Consistency firstly... 10 songs - 9 great songs (32 Pennies is the only weak one I think and that's still better than the fillers on the next 2 albums). And also the fact that out of the 10 songs there are 8 straight up big melodic arena rock songs and big 80s power ballads and no acoustic guitars anywhere except for Heaven just makes it a really consistent listen to me and sums up what I liked best about the band, and the band in their best and most fun era.

I'm one for consistency on albums and I don't like bringing in pianos, acoustic guitars, and everything else like on Cherry Pie on every 2nd song and only having a couple of straight up big guitar rock songs without that stuff. Although I do love keyboards, bring them on and the more the merrier! The more a band uses keyboards, the more I like the music sometimes!
JonnyD said:
I know that ... There are things I dont like that other ppl do like but you dont see me going out of my way to be a jerk and push that kind of opinion around its remarks like his that make it undesirable to post around here we all know how he feels about it and I honestly couldnt care less whether or not he likes a form of music its his complete lack of respect that bothers me ... enough is enough ... on a positive note ... Wyvern your efforts are comendable!:headbang:

That's why I ask him to tone down too. The biggest show of respect when you don't like something is either:

  • abstain from post
  • post with some humor
I understand and respect your position JD because I'm a lot like you (volatile) and I'm your bro forever.
I just wish we all got back the way it was before. This forum is way too big and important to let it escape from our hands and become another cheap one like so many out there.:erk:
Wyvern said:
I don't know if to bash you for being a party popper or thank you for a good insightful post.

Who I'm kidding here? We know I'm going to thank you :D :wave:
And to confirm your thesis I ask the people to please check The Coffinshakers. And while you're hearing it remember they're from Sweden ;)

Sorry to spoil your party Vern. However, I am lucky to be able to walk and chew bubble gum at the same time or do simple multiplication in real life, but I play a pretty good smart guy on the internet. I don't know why but a few beers, cigarrettes, petting the dogs, cats and wife and sitting in front of my PC listening to my "metal of the day" somehow turns a dumb redneck from Alabama into a dumb redneck from Alabama who can make a cool post on UMOS once in a while.
As far as the Coffinshakers, I have never heard of them, but dmaned if Swedes "speak" the best "American" I have ever heard of Euro guys. If ANY band from a Euro country could pull off "Southern Rock" it would be a Swedish band. When I met Tad Morose (who had been to America only once before,) they had almost no european accent. They even used American slang words. It was actually very strange. Swedes (in general) seem to be very good at English and particularly American English.

USMC0341 said:
I'm just gonna chime in and say that I think Warrant completely and undoubtedly sucks major ass...


Hmmm.... I don't care for Warrant either, but though JD was also a little "aggressive" in his reply, I understrand what he was saying. We don't all have to be super hippies and love everything, but we may have some quality posters here that do like Warrant. I'm no big fan, but I respect Bon Jovi and as you well know I am a big fan of Vito Bratta (who happened to play for a band not really fit for his talent in White Lion.)

Wyvern said:
That's why I ask him to tone down too. The biggest show of respect when you don't like something is either:

  • abstain from post
  • post with some humor
I understand and respect your position JD because I'm a lot like you (volatile) and I'm your bro forever.
I just wish we all got back the way it was before. This forum is way too big and important to let it escape from our hands and become another cheap one like so many out there.:erk:

Great post brother Vern !! A big metal Amen to that.

Wyvern said:
That's why I ask him to tone down too. The biggest show of respect when you don't like something is either:

  • abstain from post
  • post with some humor
I understand and respect your position JD because I'm a lot like you (volatile) and I'm your bro forever.
I just wish we all got back the way it was before. This forum is way too big and important to let it escape from our hands and become another cheap one like so many out there.:erk:

THANK YOU WYVERN! thats exzactly what I have been getting at the whole time ... if you give respect you get respect .. and Hell why ruin this forum with negative remarks thats what the GMD board is for :D
KMADD said:
Ugh actually maybe not kraut rock but in kind of a related note there was a great
USBM band out of Huntsville that unfortunately just lost their vocalist in a car
accident named Blood Stained Dusk. I think Ram-Jam was from Germany and if
Black Betty even though it had a disco beat wasnt Southren Rock sounding I dont know what is.

I hate that about the vocalist/band from Huntsville. I am from Alabama and the only thing we have/had come from here I know of that kicks ass is Brother Cane.

JonnyD said:
THANK YOU WYVERN! thats exzactly what I have been getting at the whole time ... if you give respect you get respect .. and Hell why ruin this forum with negative remarks thats what the GMD board is for :D

I'm ruining this forum JonnyD? By saying that Warrant sucks, I'm ruining this forum? Let me get this straight - I say a band sucks, and you call me an close-minded bastard, and I'm ruining the forum with negativity? And I don't respect anyone? Again - I make a comment about a band, you attack me PERSONALLY (and I am someone who has always had your back and been EXTREMELY cool to you to boot) and I'm ruining this forum?

And now I'm not respecting anyone? Dude, it was supposed to be funny, and I'm sorry you got so offended. It's just my opinion - I didn't say that anyone who likes Warrant sucks ass - I said that in MY opinion THEY suck. I didn't say you suck, I didn't say their fans suck or anyone else - just them.

I'm allowed to not like a band, and I'm allowed to say so. But here's what kills me - everyone is gonna jump on me for DARING to say Warrant sucks - but how many people are gonna jump on JonnyD for immediately calling me a close-minded bastard, which is a hell of a lot more personal and negative than what I said - something you all want to prevent from happening in this forum, correct?

Regardless of how you insulted me JonnyD - I still say you are one of the coolest dudes in UM, and you are also one of the reasons I stay here in this community. Red Sox fan or not, you're good to go in my book. I just don't think people are being even-handed here.

USMC0341 said:
I'm ruining this forum JonnyD? By saying that Warrant sucks, I'm ruining this forum? Let me get this straight - I say a band sucks, and you call me an close-minded bastard, and I'm ruining the forum with negativity? And I don't respect anyone? being even-handed here.


Whoa !! Stop right here !!! JD is excitable just like you are. It is not personal toward you and in fact, I would be willing to bet JD likes you quite a bit. I ummm... I have the gift of gab and am such a hippie type, (not to be confused with lack of opinion) I manage to piss few people off, but JD meant well on the post. He was just a little aggressive on the approach. You two should kiss and make up.
In fact, If you do just that, I could make lots of money on the gay network if I videotaped it. Just kidding of course, but lighten the fuck up.

USMC0341 said:
I'm ruining this forum JonnyD? By saying that Warrant sucks, I'm ruining this forum? Let me get this straight - I say a band sucks, and you call me an close-minded bastard, and I'm ruining the forum with negativity? And I don't respect anyone? Again - I make a comment about a band, you attack me PERSONALLY (and I am someone who has always had your back and been EXTREMELY cool to you to boot) and I'm ruining this forum?

And now I'm not respecting anyone? Dude, it was supposed to be funny, and I'm sorry you got so offended. It's just my opinion - I didn't say that anyone who likes Warrant sucks ass - I said that in MY opinion THEY suck. I didn't say you suck, I didn't say their fans suck or anyone else - just them.

I'm allowed to not like a band, and I'm allowed to say so. But here's what kills me - everyone is gonna jump on me for DARING to say Warrant sucks - but how many people are gonna jump on JonnyD for immediately calling me a close-minded bastard, which is a hell of a lot more personal and negative than what I said - something you all want to prevent from happening in this forum, correct?

Regardless of how you insulted me JonnyD - I still say you are one of the collest dudes in UM, and you are also one o fthe reasons I stay here in this community. Red Sox fan or not, you're good to go in my book. I just don't think people are being even-handed here.


I am sorry about the bastard remark I went a little to far and I am sorry about that ... and its not so much the band or the genre I am defending its the idea to simply state "This band Sucks!" is below the quality level I would expect from you ... people didnt jump on my ass for calling you a close minded bastard because thats what I do and what I have always done on this board .. I am the Trolling Asshole of UMOS its kinda like my job .... but one thing you will rarely see me do is go onto a thread about a band I dont like and make a that band sucks comment granted I am a asshole sometimes but I dont do that like I said if I wanted to see that I would post on GMD ..... hahaha you handle my shit pretty well I knew the "Close minded bastard" thing would get you ... I'm just trying to get you to see my point "Sometimes its better to keep things to yourself" we could have avoided all of this ... I really dont have anything against ya I can tell that you are the hardheaded milatary type I'v grown up around my whole life and sometimes you have to get right in your face to make see what I'm saying ... and if I hadnt said anything I would have failed in my place on this board :D
Bryant said:
Whoa !! Stop right here !!! JD is excitable just like you are. It is not personal toward you and in fact, I would be willing to bet JD likes you quite a bit. I ummm... I have the gift of gab and am such a hippie type, (not to be confused with lack of opinion) I manage to piss few people off, but JD meant well on the post. He was just a little aggressive on the approach. You two should kiss and make up.
In fact, If you do just that, I could make lots of money on the gay network if I videotaped it. Just kidding of course, but lighten the fuck up.


naw its wasnt really meant to be personal it was just meant to get his attention .... and it worked ... I'm sure there are plenty of things me and ol Marine can agree on .... like say ... Cliff Burton being god! and we are both Bass players so thats another thing Was I aggressive? Yes I was did I feel I had to be to get my point across? Hell yeah ... I dont really think anyone would expect any less from me ..... Did I tell you its nice to see you back Bryant?:headbang:
It's all good JonnyD, and because I have a pretty good idea about what kind of person you are I didn't fly off the handle when I read what you said. And you're right - just jumping into a thread and saying that any band sucks is not productive and I shouldn't have done so. Does me saying a band sucks warrant (no pun intended) being called a bastard? I don't think so - but again, you were trying to get my attention and you on my side of things there are no hard feelings whatsoever.

From here on out I'm going to make every possible effort not to do something like that again, unless I am involved in a specific discussion where my opinion on a particular band is being requested.

And yes JonnyD - Cliff Burton is god - Bass player magazine just had Dave Ellefson do a big article on him and they transcribed Anesthsesia Pulling Teeth. Pretty cool.

Bryant - no gay porn film opportunities for you here - sorry dude.


And I completely forgot the whole reason reason for this thread:

Joke or not - Iron Maiden is more talented than Winger. Winger may have had a guitarist in Reb who is technically more proficcient than Dave or Adrian, but let's look at the bodies of work both bands have composed over the years. In my opinion, Maiden's discography speaks for itself...hands down. :headbang: