Serious spiritual question...

MikeyBong said:
Do yourself a HUGE favor and steer clear of organized religion! It's all about politics and putting money in someones pocket. You can believe in God and not give your money to some child molester. As far as "satanic music" is concerned, don't listen to people who tell you what you like is "evil"! Follow your heart AND your mind!:)

^^^He's got a point.
There can be only one religion, you scouse monkey.

And that is Jedi....

(preferably dark side of the force - but is that still jedi?)
MikeyBong said:
That was way to long to read!:lol: What a shame, it may have been something I agreed with. Oh well, I guess I'll never know!:lol:

:u-huh:if only all these religions could disclose this information in some other way then words in a language we comprehend:Smug:..its a shame really..if the planet would just telepathically transmit this knowledge then we wouldnt have to move our eyes from left to right ..or top to bottom:goggly:..:rock:
karrokid said:
go with an Islamic extremist based faith they seem to be all the rage right now. I hear that Jihad's are the in thing with all the teenagers .

now face Mecca :notworthy
All kidding aside, if you do decide to go with an Islamic extremist faith, please be carefull. I have heard of far too many young men getting injured practicing their suicide bombing technique. Wear a cup or something. Good luck!
People are taking this religion stuff to seriously right now, be a good person, dont blow shit up and your welcome upstairs.

P.S. Bush rules, i was a bit drunk when i created Belladonna :)
It's all fucking wonderful but 5 days and 30 posts later no fucking body could tell me the name of Danny's church. Thanks a bunch, motherfuckers, I feel that salvation is near, especially with your help. Gonna get me some beer now...
+GOD+ said:
People are taking this religion stuff to seriously right now, be a good person, dont blow shit up and your welcome upstairs.
That's what I thought, thank you for confirming it!:notworthy
prime666 said:
In al seriousness what ever works for you. Christianity, Budism, Judism, Hindu, etc, just watch out for those crazy fuckin Islamics. I would get along with them to if they would stop acting like pricks.
I would get along with Christians if they weren't such judgmental, contempuous, proselytizing, hateful fucknuts.
Drokk,,,toasts to that, i keep my thoughts to myself around them cause they think they are THE religion...