Healing Priest = Fishy business (Long story, real life)

I'm sorry to hear that Dan, I didn't know it got so serious for your father.

I can relate to your thoughts 100% and would react the same way. It's just disgusting to see people take advantage of others people desperate situations/dramas.
Of course there are indeed priest and pastors who help people with giving them strenght through faith. As long as someone doesnt loose his strenght in desperation I don't care that it is through religion/faith/puppies whatever.
But the amount of money involved at this story alone + the fact that he KNOWS how to manipulate since his psychologist shows that its way too much about the money.
If it wouldnt be about stealing a vacation I think I'd also could say "well as long as it helps my dad I can be part of all this even if I dont believe it", but I think you're doing right in making aware that this guy is up for his personal advance as it seems.
but yeah in the end family > the rest...maybe you'll regret one day that you weren't as much of a part of this story as you'd wanted to be "just" because of some smart talking scamming asshole.