Healing Priest = Fishy business (Long story, real life)


Santa Hat Forever
Ok so this is something I need to share with someone else besides my wife cause it's eating me up, plus I really need someone else's thoughts, I need someone to tell me I'm not crazy, and I'm more than welcome to recieve opinions telling me I'm wrong but please be kind enough to leave an explanation to why I'm wrong so we could have a healthy conversation about it and who knows you might convince me, honestly I'm always open to the fact I might be wrong because I'm aware I don't know it all.

So as a small group of you might know my father is fighting cancer and losing, and in the fight they have become very close to god, annoyingly close to god. They contacted some time ago with a priest who lives in San Francisco who is said to make healing miracles (never him of course, it's god who does it through him) through some ceremonies he calls "praying celebrations" or something like that. It's that creepy shit you see in Latin-american tv where a ton of old ladies close their eyes and look like retards while the father prays and starts touching people and they faint and all of a sudden are healed from their illneses. So after lots of talking and praying over the phone with him he is now coming to my parent's home for two weeks to conduct various of these ceremonies and then off to a trip to Rome to get to know the vatican cause he's never been to Europe.

Funny part: He is also a Psychologist. I have spoken with him because he insists to speak to the whole family (he is VERY insistent, it busts my balls) and can clearly see through his facade, but my parents are way too goddamned stupid to do that, they feel blessed with his coming. The guy is a worldclass manipulator, it's pathetic how he's all loving and peace and after all the praying and when everyone's at his mercy he kindly and slowly insists on bringing latinamerican friends, on burning hundreds of copies of his cd (with a recorded ceremony he did in Venezuela and a couple lame religious songs) that he later sells for his profit (with Cds we bought him) and other things that he does not insist on or explicitly ask for but the people he "heals" give him out of the kindness of their hearts.

More Funny parts: I translated about 15 testimonies (he is also VERY insistent on the testimonies, on spreading the word and telling story after story at every ceremony) and find it funny how ALL are women and 80% are over 60 years old, all latin and central american and the great majority are housewives. IOW: Stupid, uneducated people. I'm sincerely sorry if that comment offends anyone here because my intention is not to start fights but it's my take on it and I'll stand by it. He has helped many wealthy people in these countries, including a couple families that are acquaintances to my family (as in friends of cousins and such) who can testify they were healed from serious diseases (one of them cancer) after praying with the Father. Of course my parents stand behind the truth of people they know by second hand acquaintances who were really sick and are now really in good health, there's no lie to that. But the whole thing is way too fishy for me, as I said he has helped wealthy people so he has recieved help in the form of train tickets, being taken care of when he travels as regards shelter and food (he has even flied on private planes) and I'm guessing he also has most of his bills payed in this way cause he wouldn't be making 1 or 2 hour long calls from USA to Spain like he has done with my parents. Because of this also my parents are trustful in him, so trustful that my father is paying him the voyage from California to Spain, then from SPain to Rome and then from Rome back to California. He is getting a fucking payed vacation to Europe.

My thoughts: He's a psychologist and a good one, he knows what people to go for (insisting on latinamerican people, it's almost like he doesn't even want spanish people in the ceremonies at all, like he's afraid of the lack of faith in this country and rejection of the church), knows how to ask for stuff and always gets what he wants, he even started insisting on my father to do the check-in for him through internet (cause he's never done it, but he travels every year to south america??), to get him an aisle seat cause he likes to walk and started explaining his diet to my mother after he had gained their trust. He insists so much that my mother has become very insistent and is pretty much FORCING everyone in the family and trying to convince many friends into coming (when our Spanish relatives are not religious at all, they're actually against the church in general) and that's what he wants, to force people but he doesn't want to force them himself cause it would be too obvious.

Now, what's up with the healing? I mean I'm a non-believer 100% but as a good nonbeliever if you show me proof, well, there's no "believing", there's just knowing. My family knows people who have been healed of cancer and other diseases after seeing him, of course that is not proof that he actually did it, or that God did it through him for that matter, but it does make one think. Just looking at options and I'm not very educated on this stuff, but the mind controls the body right? Stress has proven to actually make people sick, and relaxation and laughter has proven to make people better, couldn't this be taken to higher extents? Couldn't a completely serene and relaxed person who is sure everything will be fine (by believing firmly that Mr. whoever is taking care of him) expel the bad cells in his body, make his own body regain balance and achieve good health? Just a thought, as I have said many times I'm not a person to "believe" in anything cause it's pointless to think that something is true(or correct) without actually knowing about it, and that's what believing is IMO.

So your thoughts, on Mr. fancy Father Phsycologist and on what's up with the healing? Thank you to whoever actually read the whole thing
The power of positive thought can heal. You're definitely correct there. My father's health has steadily gotten worse over the last 10 years or so, and it could all have been taken care of by a better diet/exercise. Nothing could motivate him though.

My wife and I had a son 5 months ago. I named him after my father, and I think it touched him deeper than he'd admit. All of a sudden my Dad is eating salads, and has lost 30 pounds since my son was born.

Your father is feeling his mortality, and is looking for that type of motivation to survive. Unfortunately people like "Mr.Fancy" like to cash in on this. If Mr.Fancy's motivation works, and your father survives this cancer I'd say it's worth the aggravation. As your father's son, I would just make sure this guy doesn't bankrupt your family in the process.

I wish you, your father, and your entire family the best of luck.
The power of positive thought can heal. You're definitely correct there. My father's health has steadily gotten worse over the last 10 years or so, and it could all have been taken care of by a better diet/exercise. Nothing could motivate him though.

My wife and I had a son 5 months ago. I named him after my father, and I think it touched him deeper than he'd admit. All of a sudden my Dad is eating salads, and has lost 30 pounds since my son was born.

Your father is feeling his mortality, and is looking for that type of motivation to survive. Unfortunately people like "Mr.Fancy" like to cash in on this. If Mr.Fancy's motivation works, and your father survives this cancer I'd say it's worth the aggravation. As your father's son, I would just make sure this guy doesn't bankrupt your family in the process.

I wish you, your father, and your entire family the best of luck.

Thank you very much for your response and your thoughts. I agree with you on the fact that if my father actually gets healed I really can´t complain. Thing is I´m about to call my mother and tell her we (wife and I) are not going to any of those ceremonies and want to stay as far away from that priest as possible, but of course I fear it will startle my father and prevent him from actually feeling good and relaxing. But I just can´t be a part of that
Sorry about your dad, that sucks man. My father had cancer twice and luckily survived. He is to damn old and cranky to die.

This healer guy is for sure full of bull shit. I would watch him like a hawk to protect him from cheating your parents. But I do understand how desperate they are given the situation, they are ready to try anything.

As for positive thinking, I think it makes a big difference in health and healing in general. If some one gives up the will to fight they are done for.
I hate those faith healers. But I'd say let your parents keep their faith in it, the keyword is placebo effect.
And as much as I "believe" in science, placebos can actually help. Guess that includes also faith healers and godly miracles.

But if he's really exploiting your family (dunno about the financial situation etc) there's of course a border.
Perhaps you could talk to him and warn him not to overdo the exploiting if he continues to be a little leech.
well so far I´m glad to know some of you agree with me. so far the financial situation is ok, my family has ZERO money since my father got sick a year and a half ago but luckily my grandfather is filthy rich and has been upkeeping them so far, I don´t think it´ll get to the point where he´ll get bankrupt, my grandfather´s not as stupid as his offspring
Dan, you know I'm 100% on your side. However, this is your father and his health. While I would not want "Mr. fancy Father Psychologist*" to gain anymore attention to further screw people, I also would do anything in the world to help my father in such a position. I say support your father in this, if you have any sway in matters of his money, don't let him get too ripped off. You never know man, with enough positive belief it might just help. If anything, it might give him hope and that's better than living the remainder of your life hopeless.

All the best to you and yours! :wave:
Dan, you know I'm 100% on your side. However, this is your father and his health. While I would not want "Mr. fancy Father Psychologist*" to gain anymore attention to further screw people, I also would do anything in the world to help my father in such a position. I say support your father in this, if you have any sway in matters of his money, don't let him get too ripped off. You never know man, with enough positive belief it might just help. If anything, it might give him hope and that's better than living the remainder of your life hopeless.

All the best to you and yours! :wave:

I was expecting anyone but you to advice (advise? is that a verb?) me to take part in it, my wife´s gonna be pissed haha I´m gonna think it over with her when she gets home, so far I´ve been taking it like a man for the sake of their mental health (not like my mom´s not losing it and falling to pieces) but the more I know about this guy the least I like it, and just listening to emails and messages and religious texts sent by him and other people makes me sick in all honesty, makes me want to spit in god´s face.

Did I mention he keeps insisting how intelligence is not needed to speak to god? In a very insistent and ridiculous way, also said more than once how philosophy can clash with faith, implying (but not textually saying) philosophy is bad and you need to have blind faith in god, IOW don´t think for yourself, please be stupid so I can take your money

Just give him a cash limit ... plain and simple.

and for the record I am 2nd degree Reiki Master and trainer,so I know all about "faith healing" if that's what you want to call it.

Certainly not what I want to call it haha

It´s not that easy to give a cash limit, cause they´re not really paying him any "fees" for his service, just paying and buying what he needs to do his thing, oh and that extra vacation and stuff
Tell him that doing God's work and successfully healing your father is all the compensation he should need and send him on his way.
In all seriousness, though, my greatest fear is the damage that this shark could do to your family dynamic if you voice your doubts too persistently. He has an enormous amount of power over your parents already and he hasn't even arrived in their home yet, and I'd hate to see him turn them against you and your wife.
i am sorry to hear about you father.

this is a true story:

14 years ago i had something called non-hodgkin lymphoma.

the doctor said the stages were not advanced and i could start chemo to treat the bad cells. i told the doctor i would like to treat. a few months after the treatment i started getting better (except for the chemo side effects, of course). my blood cells were transforming and the cancer was fading. 2 years later i was in full remission. until one day i had a crazy headache and the doctor said the cancer came back into my spine and was inoperable. my mother and father were completely defeated... so was i.

so ...like a good little jew, i prayed. my faith is something i have always struggled with so the fight was tough! i know it sounds crazy but i am happy to say that i lived my life, ate right, exercised... and most importantly, prayed.

during the time i thought i had only 8 months to live, i read a lot!!! some of the most profound people seemed ridiculous to me because they have no idea what profound is... they just assume.

my doctor told me the cancer was going away... now, the more important thing to understand is that i figured that the doctor was misdiagnosing me the whole time and my elation was premature. but blood test after blood test after blood test... reported my illness.

i no longer have any signs of cancer... it is possible that the cancer could come back but i don't care! i am happy because i treated the end of my days with respect and humility.

maybe the prayer helped... but the most significant idea behind my adventure was understanding why i was praying. i prayed because i had nothing left and i submitted my body and "soul" to something much bigger than everything. knowing when you are supposed to die is the strangest feeling and anything will help curb that sensation of the unknown.

i really hope your father feels better and i hope your parents find what they are looking for... even if it is a better acceptance and understanding.

my prayers are with you and your family.
i think people should learn how to separate church from faith. If you're 100% non-believer would you walk in into a children's hospital, go to the terminal ill section and tell those children that they are going to die, and there is no heaven? Some people need faith and i see nothing wrong with that, even if you don't believe, if they are happy, why would you care?

but back at your case, if this guy was for real he wouldn't ask a trip to Rome.
Stress has proven to actually make people sick, and relaxation and laughter has proven to make people better, couldn't this be taken to higher extents? Couldn't a completely serene and relaxed person who is sure everything will be fine (by believing firmly that Mr. whoever is taking care of him) expel the bad cells in his body, make his own body regain balance and achieve good health?

if he believes he can be healed he has a better chance than if he's convinced he's going to die.

Family > ideology


But beware of the priest, I would say to him that I don't believe him, that I only do that because my father wants. Make him know that and pay the less you can.

Sorry to hear that about your father. Nothing is impossible, so you need to be positive to transmit the positiveness to your father. My mother had cancer 2 years ago and now she is very good, she has to go every 6 months to revision, but no cancer is on her now.

My band's bassist's brother has been discovered 2 weeks ago a brain tumor, at the age of 31. He will be surgered next week.