Firing bandmates...


Bass playing guy.
Dec 28, 2010
Washington DC
Anyone done it? How'd it go?

I ask because lately the screamer in my band has started recording with another band. People do side projects I get that. But he has started to skip out on band meetings and writing sessions to work with them and he is getting less and less reliable (not answering emails etc...). What he does keep doing is asking me to show him how I mix the screams in our tracks. And his other project is trying to pull our drummer away too and neither is telling me anything so I'm kinda pissed aboot that.

He won't finish the lyrics for our EP cause he has just sidetracked things it seems and I've gotten to the point where I want to finish and he has only done vocals on three of the eight tracks so far so I feel like I would rather just redo them than try and get him to finish. I have a friend moving back to the area who does vocals and I've know for years. I feel like firing him will either piss him off or he will be glad he can focus on the other band without being bothered. Any thoughts or tips?
I think the most important thing is that you two talk about your sight of things. Maybe he's just too stupid to see, that what he's doing is shit and he will eventually move his ass and get things done or it will show, that he's a dick and does it all on purpose. In the last case he probably will be glad to leave the band and no one has a problem.
Honesty is pretty important in such situations.
Yeah I think maybe he will be happier in the other band in which case the best to him. But I also see it as a business thing and I've been working my ass off and he's kind of leaching my AE techniques (not that there is much to leach) and holding me back. I guess I'm going to try and go the route of "you need to focus on your other band" rather than the "your fired asshole" route. Ugh, I hate dealing with people.
The last project I was involved in, we spent weeks discussing the best way to let the bass player go. Finally the drummer decided to call him and lay it all out and he actually quit right before he could tell him! Firing band mates is tough, I got stuck breaking the news to the drummer of my first band.
The last project I was involved in, we spent weeks discussing the best way to let the bass player go. Finally the drummer decided to call him and lay it all out and he actually quit right before he could tell him! Firing band mates is tough, I got stuck breaking the news to the drummer of my first band.

Hmm perhaps a well worded text or voicemail will do the trick then... Haha. yeah I dunno its gonna be wierd but I think I'd better just talk to him and tell it like it is.
Heh, it sucks but do it face to face. I've had to do it with a drummer and rhythm guitarist last year and it's not at all pleasant but if it's necessary, it's necessary.
Yeah I would say we were friends up until recently so I'm not going to tell him to gtfo. And he does get a cut of the profits so I consider it a firing.

But so far he still isn't showing up to meetings so maybe I'll be going the route or just letting it drop haha. Can't fire him face to face if I never see him...

Thanks for the advice though guys!
Lol we kicked an ex bass player out back in the day and he took our singer aside and started crying saying he had anal cancer cause he poo pooed some blood lol. It was like a hernia or some shit lol Still kicked him out. Its very simple, he wasn't contributing at all in any way so we told him "Your not contributing in anyway at all, so we are going to find someone who will." He sucked anyway. Just be cool about it dude, but i mean if your ambition is to make it big or at least get signed, then business is business and he is standing in your way. On the other hand, if you have these goals but your not chasing them, then that is probably why he has a lack of interest.
Lol we kicked an ex bass player out back in the day and he took our singer aside and started crying saying he had anal cancer cause he poo pooed some blood lol. It was like a hernia or some shit lol Still kicked him out. Its very simple, he wasn't contributing at all in any way so we told him "Your not contributing in anyway at all, so we are going to find someone who will." He sucked anyway. Just be cool about it dude, but i mean if your ambition is to make it big or at least get signed, then business is business and he is standing in your way. On the other hand, if you have these goals but your not chasing them, then that is probably why he has a lack of interest.

Agree, and thank you for some enjoyable lols with the poo pooed some blood thing hahahaha
Lol we kicked an ex bass player out back in the day and he took our singer aside and started crying saying he had anal cancer cause he poo pooed some blood lol. It was like a hernia or some shit lol Still kicked him out. Its very simple, he wasn't contributing at all in any way so we told him "Your not contributing in anyway at all, so we are going to find someone who will." He sucked anyway. Just be cool about it dude, but i mean if your ambition is to make it big or at least get signed, then business is business and he is standing in your way. On the other hand, if you have these goals but your not chasing them, then that is probably why he has a lack of interest.

Hahahahaha that is pathetic, but in a hilarious way and I think we all have big ambitions (if you're going to make an effort then make the best effort you can right?) and we do a lot to reach them, but I think he figures if everyone else is firing on all cylinders he can play the field and see which band takes off, but that leaves him doing little work in any band.... If he ever shows up or responds to an email I'll sit down and talk with him but otherwise I guess he's out via absence.

Feel free to post any more awesome firing/kicking out related stories guys. :D
Some good firing stories from this band I did stuff for.

I met these guys last year or so, maybe a couple years back. First vocalist was a really sociable guy, lots of fun to be around, talked a lot and let's face it, bit of a chauvinist. Anyway, the guitarist writes a heavy bit of the music. And the only thing we can ever complain about is he brings his girlfriend everywhere. I think she's a good girl and all, but young (about 3 or four years more than her beau) and not really into what we do. Also prone to get very bitchy very fast. Then on the very first show my band did with theirs, she and him got in argument on the drive back. She had this electronic babydoll (at a fuckin' metal show, eh?) and he would threaten to stab it in a sweet baby voice, then she went off on him. He fired back, and the guitarist got heated by it, kicked him out then and there. 30 miles from home, no ride.

Not exactly bros' before hos'.

The next vocalist we got (we, as in I joined to play bass) was a loser. Great inward screams, total fat scene kid with an inferiority complex, pissed off everyone with his incessant need for attention. I recorded his vocals with a rockband mic as punishment. He got pissed at the drummer 'cause he killed a frog or something, hit the wall, walked outside, nearly got in a fight with the drummer, and attempted to kick him out on the spot. No dice. I was hoping to drop him then and there, but the real kicker was when rhythm guitarist started dating his (ugly) ex girl. He literally called me crying about it, and said "I'm not playing in this band if he's dating her. He knows how I feel about her, bro! *sniff*" and the best part was, I had him on speaker. Rhythm was right next to me, he goes, "Welp! I'm fuckin' her now!" and I hung up. never heard from him again.
Now they got this Attack Attack! fat kid doing vocals, and the music's losing it, so I had to leave. I got replaced, at the very last show I did for them. It was this Asking Alexandria/Veil of Maya show, and I was informed I was not to be playing the first half of the set. Pissed me right off. So I slammed a few shots, went on, kicked new guy's ass. Left the bass on, feeding back and all, jumped off stage and made them take care of the gear. Haven't been my problem since.
Read "farting bandmembers", opened the thread.. now i am disappoint. :(