
minus the shades of course but nice one anyway!,
and the next time you see my avatar it may possibly different!

yep, deffo not a Marenghi avatar!
ahh my friend,
i have lived in anfield all of my life.
when i was born people took the piss out of me and i learned,
98 % of the social way for scousers is to take the piss.
i must admit i never took it that way but thanx for your reassurance.
anyway your avatar looks like bubbles.
is that why you are called su jacko?
and why do you want to su him?
hi,Ill be sure to listen to your samples =)
what about Dead Men Dream,are they still active?Tell Daz to drop by Brazil(Belo Horizonte/MG hometown of Sepultura)so we can make a jam =D
brian oblivion said:
ahh my friend,
i have lived in anfield all of my life.
when i was born people took the piss out of me and i learned,
98 % of the social way for scousers is to take the piss.
i must admit i never took it that way but thanx for your reassurance.
anyway your avatar looks like bubbles.
is that why you are called su jacko?
and why do you want to su him?

Nice one, it is the way of the scouse warrior!
Primates are my mates so that's why the boss little chimp.

could you make sure you change your avatar every month though?! :tickled:
dead men dream ???,
i am not the one to say but as far as we know dead men dream is not a priority for daz.
but if you leave a message for daz im sure he will be able to answer any of your questions.
thats all i can say at the moment mate.
but be sure to check us out all the same.
nice one
thats sounds fair to me mate.
i notice you are from the pool.
wich dark su-urbian bin do you hail from?
be sure to let me know.
it may be possible that i know you
i suppose thats a good thing as the meloncholic ambience in some of toris stuff is uplifting and thought provoking at the same time,
after all that is what we are trying to do, you know, put the picture accross yet at the same time creating inspiration and a sence of well being for the listner.
well thats my angle anyway.
nice on raven.
brian oblivion said:
thats sounds fair to me mate.
i notice you are from the pool.
wich dark su-urbian bin do you hail from?
be sure to let me know.
it may be possible that i know you

I hail from a lovely little provincial part called Huyton :erk:
Behold I doth not thinketh though wouldst know of me, aye by reputation mayhaps, (for gracing the stage), but having been graced with presenting, (one of those faces) to the world you may take me for a merry knave or a knave for an ass...(you might think you know me but I get recognised by people I don't knwo all the time).

In short..... :)
two dogs fighting ehh ( for anyone who hasn`t a clue it`s ryhming slang for huyton) as scousers pronounce fighting as figh`n.
anyway peace to you.
One of my favourite stories, is about these lads who flag down a taxis, (or saxi as it can be sometimes pronounced) and said to the driver
"two dogs lah and turbo it!" :tickled:
and you will notice, there is allways one fella on a work site called terry who is a plumber by trade. and his work mates pronounce his name as "serry" as is "orite serry, pass them spanners lad" :tickled:
"ahhh yaaa maaa" is something i used to hear on a daily basis when i was in school or "i'll proper bang ye dar", *exhales* those were the good old days.......... :err: