Services: Editing, Reamping


Sep 14, 2008
Hey guys, thought I'd toss this up here for the hell of it.

I have a week and a half of downtime, so I decided to put out a feeler to see if anyone needs any guitar, bass, drum or vocal editing, or any guitar/bass reamping.

We have a wide variety of mics to choose from, along with the following amps and cabs:

Bogner Uberschall #60 (this thing is a beast)
Diezel VH4
Marshall JCM2000 DSL
Boogie Dual Recto
Randall MTS with SL+ and Plexi modules

Bogner Uberkab
Rivera K412 with V30/G12T75 x-pattern
Splawn 4x12 with V30's
Marshall 1960b with G12T75's
Boogie 2x12

Ampeq Classic head w/6x10 cab.

Feel free to PM me here or email me at Let me know what you're looking to have done, what style/genre, and I'll send some more clips over to you along with a rate quote and turnaround time.

Guitar tone clips:
Bogner and Diezel

Diezel and Boogie reamp clip ...Forgive my sloppy playing :Puke:

Guitar, vocal, bass edit/tones:
"Fade" clip

Drum Editing clips:

Clip 2