Sesame Street's anti-Semitic conspiracy!


Complex pain
Jul 13, 2004
Sacramento, CA
Ok, so I was watching Seesame Street this morning ( my shitty TV only gets PBS, so I take what I can get--incidentally, 1+1 makes 2). They had the three little pigs and the Big Bad Wolf on in a segment, and it hit me:

SESAME STREET IS PROMOTING NAZI-ISM through their adaptation of the Three Little Pigs fairy tale.

Let me explain:

The Three Little Pigs represent the public, private, and religious lives of "good Aryans." Being pigs, they are pork, which makes them NOT KOSHER for orthodox Jews.

On to the wolf:

The wolf is a hairy, obnoxious animal with THICK eyebrows ( a standard racist characterization of Jews ). He is also trying constantly to "blow [their] house down," a *blatant* reference to the pastime of certain Israeli government officials. His accent is also suspiciously close to that of the archetypal Manhattan Jew, but that's just icing on the cake of BLATANT RACISM.

Why is the wolf trying to eat the (non-Kosher) pigs, if he is Jewish? Well, that's simple. Even neo-Nazis have a sense of irony.