where can I get this fucking cd?

Wow, it's a tough one to find. I just checked The End, Red Stream, Black Metal, Moribund Cult, Ajna Offensive, Willowtip, CDbaby, Regimental, Dark Symphonies, FMP666, Cduniverse, and Amazon....nothing! Some of the sites don't even list it as 'out of stock'. :zombie:

This is where you need J. He knows where to find everything.

There is always They're selling it for $15.40.
Ok, since In the Nightside Eclipse finally "clicked" for me last night, I'll probably buy right away if if I like that one song that got uploaded.
ItNE never did click with me, but this album shows that good black metal doesn't need thousands of listens to "get".
I'm kinda frustrated with playing certain albums and trying to get them just because of their supposedly legendary status, and sometimes I ponder if I should just rely on my ears and throw anything I don't like on first listens.
ItNE never did click with me, but this album shows that good black metal doesn't need thousands of listens to "get".

Yeah, Nord isn't quite as 'fuzzy' as ItNE. I mean, take this one track - on one listen and everyone realizes it's greatness. That would never happen with anything off Nightside, except maybe "Cosmic Keys".

sometimes I ponder if I should just rely on my ears and throw anything I don't like on first listens.

No because then you would become a complete dolt. Alternatively, you could write reviews for UM. :loco:
I can't go out on a limb for the whole album but this song in particular is really quite remarkable. It's also likely that most people 'tune out' after about 2 minutes into it because it's reasonably cold blasting with some obvious EMPEROR and DISSECTION riffs with the obligatory subtle keys. However, it's not actually until about 2.5 minutes into the song where things really start to develop.

BM is at its best when its romantic, sweeping, poetic, and above all, classical. Someone said in the DsO thread that BM is supposed to be nasty sounding and discordant etc and I just totally disagree. I think that actually goes against what I would personally look for. So anyway this song is about 12 minutes long in total with absolutely mesmerizing passages scattered throughout. And once finished, you can go back to the beginning and listen to how all the parts blend together.

Has anybody NOT heard this song yet?
BM is at its best when its romantic, sweeping, poetic, and above all, classical. Someone said in the DsO thread that BM is supposed to be nasty sounding and discordant etc and I just totally disagree. I think that actually goes against what I would personally look for.QUOTE]

I think BM is best when it is real, organic, and personal. Whether it is sweeping, romantic material or balls-out, blasting misanthropic devil worship, it really should have one thing: emotion.

People get so caught up in what is "true" and all that BS. By definition, BM should be paying homage to the dark side of the force so a good majority of what is deemed BM these days technically isn't, anyway. Then again, that is probably open to discussion based on people's perception of what is evil. :goggly:
^ I second this. For me the best black metal always captures a very visceral atmosphere. Whether it is cold, heathen, or just fucking evil (my personal favorite) it should really just be an enthralling listen, and that only happens when it is authentic.
People get so caught up in what is "true" and all that BS. By definition, BM should be paying homage to the dark side of the force

I don't know about the evil aspect per se, but I know what you mean about it paying homage to the "dark side". Yes I agree, I just assume that goes without saying by virtue of it being black metal. I just like to see those other attributes I mentioned enveloped inside that dark aspect and so it's what I might refer to as "beautiful aggression".

I think BM is best when it is real, organic, and personal. Whether it is sweeping, romantic material or balls-out, blasting misanthropic devil worship, it really should have one thing: emotion.

Right on, which is why I hate balls out blast beat bowel metal. It's amazing how many drummers can kill the "emotion" aspect by just nonchalantly blasting away completely oblivious to the riffs, where much of that emotion might have been captured.

It's all about balance which is what this SETHERIAL song manages 100%. Everything I like about BM is captured right in this one song.
I really need to get this album again. It's one of those that I sold a while know the need a little extra $ or you think it's not something you have to have the original of. Yeah...damn. Have you ever noticed how those are also the titles that are generally impossible (or expensive) to obtain once you realize you need it again? Foiled again.