

The Encounter
Apr 1, 2004
I'm getting to see Amon Amarth for the first time at Biebob Belgium (10 October) so it would be more cooler if I knew a couple of songs they're gonna play. Songs that are always in an Amon Amarth seltist.
Thank you!
Death in fire
The Sound Of Eight Hooves
Vs. The World
actually id recommend you to just hear their albums.
Try the albums "Once Sent From THe Golden Hall" and "Vs. The World" for a start
You'll get a pretty good idea what they do.

aw, and enjoy the gig. I was at their gig in the Barby club in Tel Aviv a year ago.... it was the fuckin greatest gig I was to.... despite the shitty sound.
maybe i diid thats because i was drunk but i as just trying to help
and since the show is only in october, the dude has plenty of time to hear ALL the albums instead of limiting himself to some setlist, right?
He can hear the songs he wants to, and then he will probably decide he wants to hear more. So tell him the songs they play live, let him hear them, then let him go buy the CDS if he likes them.
hey !!....why dont you check the thread recently posted here about the festival in Turkey...
somewhere in that thread there is a setlist they played......I think a lot of those songs come along in the next European tour...this with the addition of some newer songs from they're forthcoming album !!
DemonsAndLies666 said:
songs they ALWAYS play for sure are
last with pagan blood.....
ride for vengeance is in there alot...
death in fire ....
and stuff...
When i saw them they didn't play anything from osftgh :(

From my recollection:

death in fire
last with pagan blood
for the stabwounds in our backs
vs the world
masters of war
where silent gods stand guard

they were opening for nile so thy didn't have much time...