Setting the triggers on Drumagog


New Metal Member
Jun 21, 2007
Hello guys,
This is my first post on this forum. I feel welcomed here! This forum is great, great peoples, great informations, etc...

I'm new using Drumagog, and I would like some help.
My question is how much samples I need for doing a good triggering.
Example: Just I need one sample for triggering the drum bass, or is it good if I have more than one sample? If just one sample is used, do you set a dynamic gain for it according with the original hit of the drum bass, or do you trigger than for constant gain?
And for the snare, is it the same thing? How do you act when the snare if doing complex work, like "ghost-notes" that need to keep the low gain?

Thank you!
The problem is not about how to use Drumagog.
My doubts is about what is better for metal production.
I just mentioned Drumagog cause is the plugin I use.
I like to have 6 samples (at least)

2 loud, 2 not so loud, and 2 quiet hits

The more samples you have, the more varied and usually more realistic it sounds.