Seventh Son... (Updated Official)


Major Rager...!
Apr 17, 2001
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Hey lads....

Thought id start another seventh thread so since the progress of this one is thats its nearly finished....!!!

Thanx CONST for the part 2 bass...... have been waiting on this sucker for ages.....Anyway....i cut and spliced your sample and have now finished part 2....It took over 30 splices and aligning to get it right....and surprisingly only a handful are really noticeable.....theres a few pops and cracks but due to the degree of difficulty on this mutha....its gonna have to do...!! :)

I have sent yourself const and MM a finished preview.... ( will slot your guitar on later rabs...) .... it came up pretty darn good considering theres no synths.....

So.... All tracks are laid...( i need one lil plugin on part 3)...nows its over to you RABS....(if u still are interested in this one.....and u can find the time of course......Let me know exactly what parts you need and ill mix them down and send them to you......

(p.s.... there a rough mix with rabs playing as well for part 1....... Good reference if any singers want to lay their track down....????)

I'll get it done this weekend...well...I'll get all rhythm work done this weekend.

I want the following:
THe preview track yo send Const and MM.

The entire bass track (parts 1-3) mixed down into one mp3.
unfortunately const...i have no idea what the deal is....!!!!!!!

When i get time...ill split it down and try the joining process again......

....sounds like you need a new email provider dude......!!

I'm still waiting on getting your leads. I double checked what I have. I have all your rhythm work and some leads from section 1. I laid down a rhythm track this weekend..and its sounds alright. But I know you like to mix with both guitars panned 100%...and its sounding a bit weak like that. Too much disparity in guitar tones. I am playing around with the POD to try to emulate your sound more so it will gel better when panned 100%. Other than that, need your part 3 leads to do my stuff.and then the solos..and we can think about wrapping this bad boy up for hte vocalists!

Lemme know
Hey rabs....

No probs...ill mixdown part 1 leads and part 3 leads and send them over as soon as i get a spare minute.....

Dont worry too much about your tones.... you play with whatever tone you want....and ill adjust the mixing accordingly...i dont have to mix 100% L and R ..... i basically just do it cause its easier to turn the pan knob all the way down instead of messing around to set it at 80% or so ..... :goggly: ....purely no other reason i think...!

When it comes time for u to send me your tracks.... if its easier for you you can mixdown all 3 of your rythym tracks to 1 mp3....and send that over and ill cut and move each section to a seperate track once i recieve it.....same with leads....
Sorry for taking so long.

I posted my rhythm parts...and my harmony/leads and one solo. Still working on solo I owe you that.

Is there anything you want out of me on part 2? If not, I'll just work on the solo and get that to you when I get something acceptable. If you want something for part 2, I'll hammer that out first.

Hope its all ok. Let me know if its no good or problematic.
Awesome stuff rabs.....!!!

Yeah with part 2..... if u want you can do the clean guitars....well use my distortion parts and harmonic swells as they came up pretty good...!!

Ill try again to access myplay ( says they are down for maintainence at the momment ) ...... but i dont think ill be able to get it..... it wont even allow my to access the login page.....there is something wrong somewhere in my cpu with this site......

So if i cant get access to download your parts....youll have to email them to me....Ill send u an email or post here as to whether or not youll need to send them to me.....stay tuned...!

Expect the first copy of the finished version within a day or two....
Rabs.... not sure if u got my email or not...... but if u get a spare momment...can u email over all your seventh parts....???

SORRY.... myplay a no go for me....

SORRY AGAIN.... :cry:
Thanx for emailing your parts over rabs.....

...and i gotta say....your tracks came out totally wicked....!! Fits love a glove....

So... youll find in your email the first FINISHED mixdown of this mutha ( minus your cleans and first solo ) .... ALL your rythyms are panned 100% Right and natually my are 100% left......

ALL our leads and harmonies are panned central and mixed ( in my opinon ) to perfection.... everythings 50 50 .....

Let me know any changes you want... listen out for the wind effects in there too.... they fully heighten the mood of the song...( and plugs up a few gaps where the keys should be ) .....

Dont post this one anywhere...well wait for the total finished song....

..oh may benefit from NOT waering your headphones..... ive mixed this VERY hot and i know its clipping... ( although bearly noticeable through speakers ) ...but none the less im sure it would drive u insane as youd pick it up quite easy with your phones..... in my opinion it seems better listening without phones as it might allow each side of the mix to 'breath' a lil with each other... but then again i may be fulla shite..... :o) DOH..!!

Ill cool the final mix down a lil......

I actually encountered a HUGE dilema while mixing this song..... there is no way that u guys are going to hear the mix exactly how i intended..... because everyones cpu settings and media player EQ,s are gonna be different.... i have a setting on my soundblaster 64 called ' spacial ' the playback difference between having it on and off is unbearable..... i get a perfect mix with it on..... and it sounds really shit with it off......

Oh well...just thought id say that.....
Hey rabs...

Say i re mailed this puppy out to you just after i seen this post a while back now...its split into fragments this time.....

Have u had a chance to listen yet....???? I eagerly await your opinions...