Att: Rabs...


Major Rager...!
Apr 17, 2001
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Hey rabs...

Well ive finally done a FULLY FINAL mix for seventh son complete with synths......!!! I think it sounds as full as all fark....!!

Theres a few imperfections here and there...a couple of lil things like not quite fully leveled in places....and ploughmans synths added quite a bit of hiss.... but this song has like 29 seperate tracks plus effects on most of them and mixing it down was a nightmare....( cpu will only allow like 6 or so tracks to run at it has to get leveled section at a time....) took about 13 mins to mixdown and no lie has a working folder size of 1 GIG...!!

So....dude i REALLY need your final solo so i can finish and delete the files.... all its waiting for is your solo 3....!! If theres no MAJOR issues once u here it...then im gonna settle on it cause it aint gonna get much better...!!

If u cant find the time... i can slot in a solo of mine.....

Sorry for rushing but its almost finished....

Any thoughts...???

No probs......

Thanx for that rabs...... i look forward to adding your solo....

If its ok... can i email u the final mix... and if u r happy with it...can u upload it to myplay??? This will then be the final final version...!

Thanx again rabs.....

Keep on rockin...


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