Seventh Wonder PicBadge available for Facebook


May 14, 2007
Hey all :wave:,

There are two SW-PicBadges available for Facebook!
It would be fantastic if we all support 'our' band by adding one to our profilepicture.
Let's try to make this as big as possible by sending requests and by sharing it with your friends (and their friends, and their friends etc...)!

Here's the link to the first - it's a white PicBadge with the big black SW:

Here's a link to the second - it's a black PicBadge with the big SW and the band's name, both in white:

EDIT: I made a few changes. I removed the first PicBadge (it was a bit too dark) and exchanged it for a new one.
You are the man Kazar! Thanks for you support:-)

My pleasure, Johan.

hmm, i don't like the white border it makes and the watermark, i think i'll customise one for myself :)

:) No problem at all, Shadowsoul! Any PicBadge with Seventh Wonder on it is great :kickass:, so good luck in creating a new one!
I really do like the second one though: the SW is very recognisable and the band's name is in the Picbadge as well.
Ohh, I love the new one! I had thought about doing one myself just with the logo (black background white logo) but this is perfect. :D

I just wish I had space for more than one badge! :erk:
Ohh, I love the new one! I had thought about doing one myself just with the logo (black background white logo) but this is perfect. :D....

Thanks, Xandra.

SW-friends, I need little help from you guys and girls!
Only one more PicBadge needed to get it out of the 'pending-status'!!
I'm talking about the first one: the white one with the big black SW.
Please, add this one to your profilepicture and show your support - THANKS!!
I much more like the Twibbon badge app than this one. Don't like how I can't use the entire area of the profile pic, and the watermark...