Seventh Wonder tour dates 2013

^ That's great Xandra! :D Now if you can use your rabble-rousing skills on a promoter in NYC.... Meh, I guess we'll just have to hope Tommy makes a strong impression in September. ...Hear that Tommy? I'm totally blaming you if SW never plays in NYC. :lol: Make it happen hun, please.
Well, all e-mails to the organizers and all of the other support (likes/comments) regarding the initial Facebook-post definitely worked!!!
Well done!

From the organizers of the 'Sweden Rock Cruise':
"We have updated the running order so that also Seventh Wonder will be able to perform 60 minutes on the Sweden Rock Cruise".

Seventh Wonder will now be playing from 12:30-13:30 (on 'Day 2' - Friday, the 12th) :rock: !
So... let's talk about the Sweden Rock Cruise!

What can I say - it was fantastic! The whole cruise was a lot of fun, I'm very glad I decided to do the trip. It is definitely something special when you put all the bands and the fans on such a small ships - no normal festival can beat this.

Seventh Wonder played on the second day and sadly they got the early hours spot which means not that many people came to watch since lots of people were still sleeping or curing their hangovers. Actually - it wasn't only a problem for Seventh Wonder, the whole Friday didn't draw too many people. Since I went to bed after 6am myself I think it's a fair bet to say that most people were done after the big party on Thursday and skipped the whole billing on the second day.

Anyway. Maybe not so many people in the audience, but I spotted enough people with Seventh Wonder T-Shirts on the ship. That was awesome.

The setlist:
- Unbreakable
- Wiseman
- Taint the sky
- Tears for a father
- Hide and seek
- Alley Cat
- No more tears (Ozzy cover)
- Black Parade

This was my third Seventh Wonder concert and damn this was by far the best show yet. Everyone was on fire!! The stage was huge, so everyone had enough space to move and I really loved the interaction on stage.

I had been curious how Tommy would perform on stage now with the additional stage experience through Kamelot and yeah, that was... very awesome. :notworthy Only topped by crazy Andreas and his bass. Lol! No really, he seemed possessed or something - just look in his eyes on some of the photos that float through the net. :Smokedev:

The sound was great, the best one I had so far, the lightshow was fine I think, but someone needs to tell the people on that ship that the fog machine should not be set on overdrive like they did during the whole trip. I took pictures during the concert, but they are all grainy because of the before mentioned smoke on stage.

For the photos - follow the facebook link:




And here are some videos from the cruise that I found on youtube:

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