Seventh Wonder


Sep 14, 2006
Wow..I see Seventh Wonder mentioned alot on the prediction thread. I can't say I am very familiar with them if at all, I checked them out to see what all the fuss was about. They remind me of Circus Maximus with some weird samples of phone conversations, only CM is much much better. Not really sure why they are so popular.

What makes them stand out to all of you and what in your opinion is their one song that makes you like this band so much? I mean they seem to have potential but they just seem a little bit too generic, I haven't heard all of their stuff to really have a strong opinion but you can usually get a good idea from a myspace sampling these days.
The lead vocalist is the strong point for me. No, he's not breaking any new ground, but a damn fine singer all the same. You mention Circus Maximus, which are a fantastic band. If you like them, then odds are you'll dig Seventh Wonder. If you ask me, neither band is doing anything any different than Dream Theater, but they do what they do, well. I recommend you trying to get past the fact that they're not doing anything different, but just enjoy some quality music.

I think the difference (for me) is that Circus Maximus are more of a melody-centered band, who build a song around a chorus. Seventh Wonder are more musically focused, and less emphasis is placed on the vocal melodies. Oftentimes the melodies are quite subtle, and the pacing of the lyrics can be a bit unusual, similar to the way Ray Alder will sing for Redemption.

Seventh Wonder has a lot of depth musically, with a (IMHO) stronger rhythm section than Circus Maximus. The bass and drums really shine on all the SW albums, whereas with CM I hear more of a guitar/keyboard vibe.

Both bands are among the best going today. Seventh Wonder takes a little more attention to appreciate though, but is well worth the effort. The singer on the last two albums is nothing short of outstanding, as well.
I have been following SW since their demo days with old singers. Their first cd "Become" was great but missing something...Well as soon as Tommy joined as vocalist they, to me, became one of the better of the melodic prog bands out there today, not only vocally, but Tommy gave the band a musical boost/improvement as well ! If you are new to them get "Mercy Falls" first and spin it a few times and get back to us! :)
The bass and drums really shine on all the SW albums, whereas with CM I hear more of a guitar/keyboard vibe.

Both bands are among the best going today. Seventh Wonder takes a little more attention to appreciate though, but is well worth the effort. The singer on the last two albums is nothing short of outstanding, as well.

QFT! I have commented on the stand out Bass playing from SW. To me, the bass almost never stands out but it does here in a good way. Not in a Manowar way. lol

The lead vocalist is the strong point for me.


No doubt. He sings with great emotion. The tone and range of his voice is pleasing to my ear.

I would start with waiting in the wings and then graduate to Mercy Falls.

For me, this is not a spin one time and make a decision on if you like them or not band. Give them several spins before throwing in the towel. Especially if we are talking about Mercy Falls. I would love to see them on the PPUSA stage!
I like SW last two efforts pretty much, specially "Mercy Falls". I think they would made a good act for a PPUSA show.
Like the others have said, if you like CM then you should love SW. Both bands have what I consider to be the two best vocalists in metal. Tommy's voice is mesmorizing!! His vocal melodies are second to none!! Both bands have great musicians. Andreas is one of my favorite Bass players. If you give Mercy Falls a few spins I will guarantee that it will get better each time around and you will hear something different each time.

How can you say that they sound generic?? Compared to who?

And Brian...the thing they do different from DT is that they have great vocalists :p
I love SW and have never really gotten into CM. :p

Though I'd say CM hasn't made a Mercy Falls level yet and that's what really got me into SW.
How can you say that they sound generic?? Compared to who?

The vocalist sounds an awful lot like the vocalist of CM, but the songs weren't catchy to me upon first hearing them, and the whole dialogue samples were off putting somewhat.

I've heard lots of prog bands that I don't even remember the name, pretty much instrumental wankery that sounds like every other prog song I've ever heard from every other band for 7 minutes out of an 9 minute song with some vocals in between that don't differentiate this vocalist among others as something unique. It sounds a bit harsh and very judgemental but for me anyway it's a rare occasion where I listen to a new band or a new album from a beloved band and I shit brix. When it does happen they usually have me at hello.

Not to pick on Seventh Wonder or anything, but even the latest efforts from Pathosray and Primal Fear are pretty generic, and I like both bands very much. Not sure what else to say really.
I've heard lots of prog bands that I don't even remember the name, pretty much instrumental wankery that sounds like every other prog song I've ever heard from every other band for 7 minutes out of an 9 minute song with some vocals in between that don't differentiate this vocalist among others as something unique.

I think you pretty much answered your own & everyone's question based on your description above. You appear to have a biasness against prog in general unless it does something very specific for you.

I agree with the majority. SW is an outstanding band with one of the best vocalists in the genre.
The vocalist sounds an awful lot like the vocalist of CM, but the songs weren't catchy to me upon first hearing them, and the whole dialogue samples were off putting somewhat.

The samples may not be the greatest in the world (nor are they the worst), but they definitely advance the storyline, which is crucial to "Mercy Falls".

Also, I find that typical prog-metal rarely sounds catchy to me on first listen. Bands like Circus Maximus are a rare exception to the rule, rather than being a standard to measure by.

And I agree with you on Pathosray.... Fairly generic, but I think there are a few semi-standout songs on it.
I think you pretty much answered your own & everyone's question based on your description above. You appear to have a biasness against prog in general unless it does something very specific for you.

Not necissarily true, it's hard to classify bands that fit or skirt into some genere label as being progressive or what not. I don't have a bias as I do enjoy a lot of bands that fit the "prog" classification even if they are not "prog prog" as deemed by the purists, and even then who doesn't like Aryeon, etc.

Not every album is a good one to base an opinon on, I just thought I was missing an important piece of the puzzle is all so I figured others may have a better understanding of why this band is highly regarded since I don't. I'm definitely going to listen more carefuly when I relisten to Seventh Wonder.
I really liked what I heard on "Waiting in the Wings." "Mercy Falls" has not really been pulling me in for some reason. What tracks are really hooking you guys on "Mercy Falls?"
What tracks are really hooking you guys on "Mercy Falls?"

"Tears for a Father" is one of the best clean, acoustic songs I've simply ever heard. The vocals on this are nothing short of stellar. Then, when it absolutely SLAMS into the follow-up track..... Goosebump material!

I find the individual songs on "Wings" to be better than on "Mercy", but the sum of the total is just the reverse.
"Tears for a Father" is one of the best clean, acoustic songs I've simply ever heard. The vocals on this are nothing short of stellar. Then, when it absolutely SLAMS into the follow-up track..... Goosebump material!

I find the individual songs on "Wings" to be better than on "Mercy", but the sum of the total is just the reverse.

I've listened to Tears for a Father so many times. I especially love the last 15 seconds. And yeah, the combination of that and A Day Away is great.
Honestly though, it's not about a single track. It's just the entire thing from beginning to end. Which is really how it should be for a narrative concept album.
I think you pretty much answered your own & everyone's question based on your description above. You appear to have a biasness against prog in general unless it does something very specific for you.

I agree with the majority. SW is an outstanding band with one of the best vocalists in the genre.

Hmmmmmmm I wonder:danceboy::danceboy:
I really liked what I heard on "Waiting in the Wings." "Mercy Falls" has not really been pulling me in for some reason. What tracks are really hooking you guys on "Mercy Falls?"

I tend to like Waiting in the Wings a little better than Mercy Falls too, but take a listen to 'Paradise' and see what you think.