Seventh Wonder's name


New Metal Member
Apr 17, 2013
Hi guys! This one can look like a strange question, but I've never known the story about the band name. What's the story behind? And who has chosen it? Does it have a particular meaning and/or reference?
I think I read in an interview once that it doesn't really mean anything. :lol: I think it was a group decision. But don't quote me on that.
Nah, I came up with it. I had a couple of other ideas and my first one was Neverland which I liked a lot, but it turned out it was taken. Back then we were more Power metal and it would have suited us great, but now maybe it would have been slightly out of place.

Seventh Wonder was kind of taken because it sounded a bit majestic and ostentatious, which is what we strived for in our music.

Also, on our first demo I penned the lyrics for a song titled the Seventh Wonder, which was kinda sorta related to Maiden's Seventh son story. Not Word by Word, but conceptually in that the Seventh Wonder indeed was "the chosen one" and all the future of mankind incarnate in on person. I toyed with the idea of having that kind of color the entire band's approach, but we ended up scrapping that, so bottom line is I Think the most correct thing to say is that it doesn't hold any particular meaning, other than the feelings it might potentially invoke.
Yes. :D I think it's a great name. It does bug me though that there were already seven wonders... Shouldn't you boys be the eighth wonder? :lol:
I'll go with Frank's reason. :lol: I'm too anal retentive to accept the lack of connection to the seven wonders reason.