Severed Savior - Brutality Is Law

Sep 2, 2003
London, England
has anyone got this on CD? I've been searching on all the web-shops i can think of and none of them stock it! :yell: If you haven't heard this and you like Brutal Death Metal then download it, steal it, buy it, whatever! just make sure you hear it! :kickass:
ive got em both. check out . that is their label and they have a really good store, especially if you like brutal death. and if any of you people out there are fans or wanna check em out they are playing in pacifica, CA tonight.

on a side note, those guys are cool fuckers. being that their local i get to see em alot. all amazing musicians.
its the title of the cd. it doesnt have anything todo with the hatebreed tour. just good DM

and on a side note. im wearing severed saviors "forced to bleed" shirt in the picture in my sig. hehe
genocide roach said:
its the title of the cd. it doesnt have anything todo with the hatebreed tour. just good DM

and on a side note. im wearing severed saviors "forced to bleed" shirt in the picture in my sig. hehe

ah yes, you, sir, rule! :kickass: I really should get myself some band t-shirts... :bah:
unique leader has a shit load of great bands. my favorite label. great, shop too. great prices.