Sex is morally wrong?

Silent Song said:
look at the thread title...

my point still stands. without love, then what's the point?

to gain pleasure and give pleasure to the partner. to satisfy my and the partner's lust. sex is fun with or without love. it just has to be handled wisely. one has to secure himself from unwanted pregnancy and diseases.
Hypnos said:
to gain pleasure and give pleasure to the partner. to satisfy my and the partner's lust. sex is fun with or without love. it just has to be handled wisely. one has to secure himself from unwanted pregnancy and diseases.

Yes, the drive is quite big. Sure, there is probably a difference if you have sex with someone you know on a deep level, than if you have sex with someone random that you picked up off the streets, but nevertheless, the point is to reproduce. Like Hypnos said, to satisfy the lust.
SS I indeed admire you...

as for you cy, I don't have much time to do the three page posts to adress you right now, I'm in a bit of crunch with some other things, I'll get to it as soon as I can...
Silent Song said:
you're entitled to your opinions, but i think that sort of action is hollow and without lasting meaning or purpose.

why is it hollow to satisfy my wholly natural needs? i do not fall in love every week or every month so that i can justify my actions with 'fulfilling of love' or etc. see i am 27 and i have loved (by the deepest meaning of this word, and be sure i do not use this word lightheartedly) two times in my life. so, should i get to explode, just because i hadn't loved for five years? i have found a fair amount of wonderful women in that span of time, who shaed their prescious time with me, and i am thankful for every second we enjoyed together. i am unable to grasp what can be false about such thing...
as long as we follow our OWN moral guidelines, i deem we do right...

...ok, it's 5:04 here, i am going to sleep...
Without mature intelligent communication regarding sex the result can be disasterous and lead to disease, unwanted pregnancy and even psychological problems. Morals have nothing to do with this basic natural bodily function. Applying shame and morality to something that should be discussed openly and intelligently is the real crime. When people are shamed into avoiding to discuss sex openly is when it goes underground, dirty and dangerous.
Silent Song said:
my point still stands. without love, then what's the point?
Twenty minutes of physical gratification, and the psychological satisfaction that come from knowing you scored. Most people simply aren't very deep...

While I don't have a problem with other people having shallow sexual relationships, personally it seems like sex should be more than masturbation, special edition.
Cythraul said:
Something is either helpful or harmful to a given individual or group in a given context and that's all that you can determine because anything more abstract than that is either nonexistent or completely beyond our grasp.

Ooh, I like that... Good view, man. :)

Silent Song said:
without love, then what's the point?
AlphaTemplar said:
Twenty minutes of physical gratification, and the psychological satisfaction that come from knowing you scored. Most people simply aren't very deep...

While I don't have a problem with other people having shallow sexual relationships, personally it seems like sex should be more than masturbation, special edition.

This illustrates the point Cyth and GoD were making on the last page, SS.

The individual has to dictate his/her own values and what sex means to them.

It is my opinion that sex outside of marriage is immoral, as there is no defined concept of family stemming from it. The true purpose of sex is to procreate. The rabbits certainly figured that part out. The human pleasure derived from sex is mundane and temporary. There is no transcendence. No meaning. What does it accomplish? Gratification? It's a petty vice. It doesn't last. Do you think having sex once in your life is enough? It creates a desire, an addiction. At least fulfill that addiction with someone who you're pledging to spend the rest of your life with in a holy union. Upon these guidleines I define extramarital sex as morally wrong. It sits outside of the circle that is my moral code.


Sex has absolutely nothing to do with love.

There are no objective rules to sex. Of course I have my own little rules about what is and is not acceptable behavior when it comes to sex, but they are linked to my own insecurities and nothing more.
sex is both good and bad. sex is bad because it spreads diseases and leads to unwanted pregnancies. sex is good because it leads to procreation of the species. with a few exceptions (artificial insemination) we are all here because of sex. so one cannot really place an absolute judgement of wrong on sex, situational ethics are at play here.
who the fuck cares about the morality and ethics about it? Jesus fucking christ, what pussy ass slaves we have on this board.
anonymousnick2001 said:
At least fulfill that addiction with someone who you're pledging to spend the rest of your life
why the rest of my life? i think the rest of the night is enough i we both (or three) accept this situation.
anonymousnick2001 said: a holy union.
me and my beer is the only holy union i know
...ok, being serious, for me as an atheist this sounds incredibly pathethic, but i can understand your point if you are a religious fellow. i think this particular discussion is leading to nowhere...a question: do you get your moral restrictions from your own ponderings or from any written resource
speed said:
who the fuck cares about the morality and ethics about it? Jesus fucking christ, what pussy ass slaves we have on this board.
i'm sure your partner(s) would love to hear you say how meaningless it is then.

Sex has a lot to do with Love. in that regard i disagree, One Inch Man.

Vrykolakas: regardless of where people stand on this thread's issue, i agree that open communication about it is very important.

Hypnos: both. i come to this conclusion based on what i myself feel about the topic, what i have experienced, and what is writen in the bible. none independently.
I have a question about the "rules" of Catholics. Silent Song, I don't know if you're Catholic or not, but people were meant to give birth when they were 15 or 16.. 1000 years ago. That doesn't work today because of our society, but neither does women staying home and being a housewife. So I ask, why have Catholics (and any other forms of Christianity wich have similar views) changed the "appropriate" age for sex to marriage, (wich can't realistically happen until you are 16 or 18, and I dont think its smart to do it then) but not changed other standards to fit this day and age
well i am not catholic so i can't say anything about that, but i think marriage is something that occurs when the time is right, and that time is apparent when it arrives.