I'd like to take your point, because I don't agree when you say that sex is wrong if it's without love. Why should it be with love?Sex can be respectful and enjoyable without love, because love is a thing, and sex is another different thing, and they can be together, or they can be separated. If you are interested in only sex, and the other person/people are conscient and agree with this, what's the problem?
You ask some pages before what's the point of sex without love, and I answer you that sex without love is full of pleasure too. Orgasms can be reached with or without love, and human beings are designed to receive and to give pleasure. If sex were only for reproduction, or to show love, we would have orgasms only when we're trying to reproduce ourselves, or only when we're in love.
I think sex is wrong only if it's offensive or disrespectful with the other person, or if one of the people involved is not ready or mature enough to have sex. If these matters are ok, then sex should be completely acceptable and right.
Sex is an agreement and a natural way of enjoying, if the people involved agree, it's time for fun!