Sexy Pirate, Viking, or Wonder Woman?


Freakame, Freakayou!
Spirit Halloween has been kind enough to hire me for a few months. It's mandatory that the employees take shifts standing outside the store advertising, which means Emmy gets to play dress up! Here are my top choices. I don't wanna be too scanty, but I don't wanna wear a Wookie suit, either. So what do you think? What would make you walk into the store?

(If it fits):




We've got other Viking hats and more kickbutt boots, so basically just the clothes:

I know it's a guy's outfit, but I was dressing up the manikin today and thinking I could pull it off:

I told my co-workers (all of which are guys) that Friday, I'll come into work early to have a fashion show. So I'll get their input, too.
Update, since the store finally opened.

My boss loves me and because I'm not fat and/or gross/stinky/icky.etc, I get to wear multiple costumes (except for the sexy pirate, too provocative). I'll post pictures when I can. I'm running between the Batgirl and maybe a different pirate. Yeeeaaaay. :)