Seymour Duncan Blackouts.

They look like they could be interesting, but I'd like to hear clips before saying much - I'm not usually around the discussions that go 'yeah, I love active pickups, but what bothers me is how NOISY they are - those passives were dead silent when I still used them' so I generally don't assume that to be in the list of concerns about actives.

There's been a lot of talk about these on the Duncan forum... According to Evan, it's basically going to be an 81/85 (one will be ceramic, one alnico, based off them, tonewise, as well) with more dynamics.

That said - when the fuck have EMGs ever been noisy, and who records infront of a CRT?
I took what he meant to say was that while actives are quiet, these are more quiet (they go to -11?). I've been guilty of playing in front of a CRT and even with actives you get some buzz. I guess these will kill that to an extent?
He was saying that these have a noise level 11db below that of other actives - 11db is really quite a bit of quieting, so live you'll have significantly less buzz and in the studio you can set the noise gate threshold much lower (and truncate much less 'natural' sound) while getting the same noise elimination.

When I still used a CRT I usually found that I could just rotate my seat a little to the left and wind up silent, so no complaints there. These won't kill noise completely, but they'll drop it quite a bit more - unless you've a shitty installation (no cavity shielding, cheap wire and components) you're likely to wind up with more noise coming from your TS and amp than from your guitar.
