Seymour Duncan Distortion DI's


Aug 28, 2006
Im looking for some di's of Seymour Duncan Distortion,
can someone hook me up or send me in the right direction.

I found a thread over on another forum a few weeks back but i cant
for the life of me find it again, it had a shitload of di files for seymour duncan
and BK humbuckers, anyone know what thread im on about?

Cheers guys
That's the page i was on about!

Cheers mate, damn there isn't a distortion di on there eh
plenty of other Seymour clips id be interested in checking out though.

Thanks for that i seriously searched for that damn page for over an hour yesterday lol :kickass:
I have a SD Duncan distortion, its awesome!!! however.. i dont have new strings on the guitar its in and i have fucked one of the tuning pegs so won't have any for a while.. i could probably trawl trhough some old sessions to see if i have anything though!
That would be great Ola, can i request that they are in standard tuning ''E''
im shopping around for a new ''passive'' pup, sick of the emg 81, would love to hear di's of the DD to get an idea of the tone.