Shadow Gallery signs with InsideOut Music!

Coldfire Mouse

Magpie Witch
Mar 2, 2002
In The Shadows
YES YES YES!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting to announce this! you some 'hope for us all" eh? ;)


InsideOutMusic is happy and proud to announce the latest addition to the
ever growing InsideOut family of artists: SHADOW GALLERY.

SHADOW GALLERY - one of the pioneers of the Progressive Power Metal
Genre - are currently recording the anticipated follow up to their last
studio album "Legacy". The new album, going under the working title of
"Room Five" is the fifth album from this well respected American six piece.
All of their albums are considered to be classics amongst fans of this type
of music and their new concept album, which will be a continuation of the
"Tyranny" story, will no doubt be heralded as the welcome return of SHADOW

This is what guitarist Gary Wehrkamp says about signing to
InsideOut and the upcoming album: "As we begin to approach the later stages
of recording, we are finding ourselves excited about our upcoming release.
We remained quite busy after our last record, but took some time to team up
with InsideOut, noting how much respect they had for their bands and
visa-versa. I believe they are a good vehicle for our upcoming disc and look
forward to working with them. We are ready to put some new music back in the
hands of progressive rock fans this spring."

"We are glad, to finally have the chance to work with these guys. I
bought their first album when it came out and have been a fan of the
band ever since!" says InsideOut managing director Thomas Waber.

Oh man..a follow up to Tyranny is what they have been recording all these months! YES YES YES! (can ya tell I'm a wee bit excited? ;) :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Coldfire the Gallery Mistress
Lists and Web Mistress for
Harvester said:
I still say hell freezes over first, but you know where to find me. :Smug:

Glenn H.

Was that a private joke or is there some adversarial history between Glenn and SG?

Rock on!
ashaman7122 said:

Was that a private joke or is there some adversarial history between Glenn and SG?

Rock on!
If I am not mistaken SG has had a standing invite for PPUSA since 2.0? I could be wrong

From what I understand, they want to be nothing more than a studio band. As much as I like their material, I think it's rather shitty of them to not give a live performance a shot. If you ask me, it just shows that they can't really pull it off. At this point, I would like everybody else to join me in egging them on so they'll play next year's show.

Stay metal. Never rust.
it wasn't to do with being able to pull the stuff off. it purely was a matter of Time and $, day jobs and families, etc. If some big fan won the lottery maybe they could be persuaded.

Altho on livejournal someone brought up after seeing this that reproducing the vocal harmonies might be impossible without extra singers or a pre-recorded tape. Brad Delp from Boston used to have to do that to pull off some of the songs live I guess.

but maybe what was 1 in a million chance, now is 1 in 1000? ;).

Also curious if DC Cooper or James LaBrie might reprise their roles from Tyranny somehow.

Bear said:
If I am not mistaken SG has had a standing invite for PPUSA since 2.0? I could be wrong

That's a shame that they couldn't get it together for even a one-off for a PPUSA...

I can understand that the members have jobs/families/responsibilities, etc., but you would hope they would jump at the chance to put something together.

You never know......?

But evidently...Glenn is not holding his breath...(which is pretty funny)...

Rock on!
You know, there's some people you just can't reach. Those are the people in most need of a hug (ha ha).

Then again, I liked the egging the houses comment a few posts back. Only, that would only make us metal peeps look bad and we are better than that!
Is this band more prog rock (e.g. Spocks Beard) than prog metal (e.g. Fates Warning)? The last time I heard stuff from them was over 6 years ago and wasn't rocked enough to pursue them further. My memory is vague, but they seemed to be very experimental and very meandering (songs just wander on and on and...). That's not a knock on the band, I just want to know if my assessment was correct or if I need to revisit this band because they are more "metal" than "rock". Bands like Spock's Beard, Flower Kings, King Crimson, etc., are not in my listening genre.
Coldfire Mouse said:
InsideOutMusic is happy and proud to announce the latest addition to the ever growing InsideOut family of artists: SHADOW GALLERY.

SHADOW GALLERY - one of the pioneers of the Progressive Power Metal
Genre - are currently recording the anticipated follow up to their last
studio album "Legacy". The new album, going under the working title of
"Room Five" is the fifth album from this well respected American six piece.
All of their albums are considered to be classics amongst fans of this type
of music and their new concept album, which will be a continuation of the
"Tyranny" story, will no doubt be heralded as the welcome return of SHADOW

This is what guitarist Gary Wehrkamp says about signing to
InsideOut and the upcoming album: "As we begin to approach the later stages
of recording, we are finding ourselves excited about our upcoming release.
We remained quite busy after our last record, but took some time to team up
with InsideOut, noting how much respect they had for their bands and
visa-versa. I believe they are a good vehicle for our upcoming disc and look
forward to working with them. We are ready to put some new music back in the
hands of progressive rock fans this spring."

"We are glad, to finally have the chance to work with these guys. I
bought their first album when it came out and have been a fan of the
band ever since!" says InsideOut managing director Thomas Waber.
That is neat!
These guys are very impressive in the studio...l have all their releases, but until they do something live and show they can pull their stuff off in a live setting they are just what they are...a studio band. Given enough time virtually any band with decent talent can do what they do in the studio. A band like Dream Theater puts out incredibly technical material from the studio then tours on it & nails it. At this point, l'm not interested in hearing anything else from SG until they do some live shows.
I think I'd rather see Ayreon than Shadow Gallery, from the Darn-Near-Impossible-Live-Shows Department...but it'd be neet to see S.G. play a show. the words of Glenn outside the Cotton Club (r.i.p.) here in Atlanta one fine evening, "Shadow Gallery will NEVER tour!" :)
Yeah, they don't play live.

They also don't put out albums very often.:)

Perhaps on Inside Out we'll get an album more often than every three or four years.
Ascension said:
These guys are very impressive in the studio...l have all their releases, but until they do something live and show they can pull their stuff off in a live setting they are just what they are...a studio band. Given enough time virtually any band with decent talent can do what they do in the studio. A band like Dream Theater puts out incredibly technical material from the studio then tours on it & nails it. At this point, l'm not interested in hearing anything else from SG until they do some live shows.
While I'd love to see them live, who cares if they never play a live gig as long as they release good studio disks? Sure, it may a ProTools fan's wet dream, but if the music is catchy, who really cares? I don't.
I agree, while I would love to see them play live, I am content with them releasing a great album every 3 years. Look at it from another perspective; here is a band with full time jobs and families but still find the time to create incredible music. Now that is impressive!
Let's remember that SG was offered a spot at Nearfest, which is a local show for the band, which eliminates pretty much the band having to spend any out of pocket money to do the show. They turned it down. This is one band that will just not play live. They (as far as I know) all have full time jobs and SG is more of a side thing for all of them. I think you'd have a better chance of seeing a re-united Led Zeppelin with a freshly ressurrected John Bonham than you would Shadow Gallery...

The Fiddler said:
Is this band more prog rock (e.g. Spocks Beard) than prog metal (e.g. Fates Warning)? The last time I heard stuff from them was over 6 years ago and wasn't rocked enough to pursue them further. My memory is vague, but they seemed to be very experimental and very meandering (songs just wander on and on and...). That's not a knock on the band, I just want to know if my assessment was correct or if I need to revisit this band because they are more "metal" than "rock". Bands like Spock's Beard, Flower Kings, King Crimson, etc., are not in my listening genre.
They are more metal than the bands you listed. I'd say Tyranny is their most metal. Heavy wise I would say they are along the lines of Threshold, or Queensryche. They are not going to rip your face off by any means, but they have a large number of quality prog/rock/sorta metal tunes, and some of the best harmonies in the business.