Shards Of Truth...Uploading


New Metal Member
Mar 9, 2004

im sure this will get me in trouble with the traders.... but i dont care, you all want it, you can have it.

wait a while, i will post again when the upload is finished


only 1 song sorry....this is all i could get...Maybe ONE more another time
i cant believe that im the only one thanking...maybe everyone has that song now.
well...thank you a lot...i will download it tomorrow cuz today is a lil bit late. thx for sharing i send you a hug for that!!
and yeah i would love to see the other inearthed implosion of heaven tracks there...
is that your ftp server??...if it is, congrats it rocks!
Thanks alot. I really appreciate it. :rock:

EDIT: by the way. Are there any other Inearthed mp3's of this quality floating around? Preferably "Homeland". I always wanted to hear a good quality recording of that. That song fucking rocks!
yeah i was a bit surprised wen no one thanked :(

:D:D:D well youll all get a nice copy of Chaos to download later on tonight

the other song wont be uploaded, neither will tssh arr, unless i can get it. lol

the server belongs to delt
ok, Chaos is on its way.... ive been told there is a small chance of a friends friend uploading the other songs ;)
hehehe yeah, spaces in filenames are annoying, you have to replace them with %20 in http links.....

and i saw a whole bunch of people downloading shards of truth. (that really doesn't sound like alexi's voice btw)

some moron on AOL (, "") opened about 250 ftp connections to download it. im about to ban aol completely from my server......