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Nuno Filipe

You talkin' to me?
Jul 1, 2009
For the guys who write lyrics and vocal melodies over the songs, what´s your method? Did you first write all the lyrics and only then create the melodies or you write some melodies first to add the lyric after?

I am curious about your methods! Both seem to be viable but being limited by the word placement and length it´s sometimes hard, well the same applies when the melody requires just a few words in a exact timing.
a matter of preference dude...some do it that way, others the other way around.
Personally I like it more if the melody stands before the lyrics. And I almost always will alter the lyrics to fit the melody than the other way around.
But both ways worked for me in the past.
usually melodies first, then words. sometimes you have to do some wizardry to fit words into the melody or sometimes you can extend the melody for a part if necessary. a lot of times though, the words and the melody come at the same time. occasionally i will have the words and the melody at the same time but the words are kinda crap but at least i have the cadence and i can fill in better words or a better line that has the same cadence.
i usually record a rough demo of me singing nonsense words/sounds with the melody and cadence i want to hear and then write lyrics to fit that. from there, i try to write the lyrics for the hook of the song first to give me a theme to write the rest of the lyrics around. the recordings of my scratch vocals are pretty embarrassing to listen to but the system has been working pretty well so far.
Yeah I am towards to write first a melody and only then a lyric because for me it´s more important to create a good melody than having a good lyric. If possible both but a good melodies come first. Probably because I am not a singer, so my point of view comes essential of a guy that plays an instrument.
Always melody first, then while I'm writing the lyrics there could be some minor adjustments to it. I want the lyrics to serve the melodies and the music and not the other way around.
I get that for some guys lyrics are way too important to restrict them with specific melodies but you just have to find a right balance or it will sound forced (nevermore comes to mind).
I get that for some guys lyrics are way too important to restrict them with specific melodies but you just have to find a right balance or it will sound forced (nevermore comes to mind).

lol... warrell dane is a great singer but it is a shame that we never got to hear nevermore with a singer that knew how to serve the song better. as good as they were, i dont think a lot of the music ever met its full potential.