sharing my DAW/plugin controller video


Feb 28, 2011
Dudes, i made this video to show my 3 way setup to control my DAW and Plugins, i think there are some pretty cool ideas in there.

Also, since there are a lot of people asking for a Slate VMR controller, there is a demonstration of how quickly and easy you can control it with a very afordable setup.

Sorry for my crappy english. Hope you like it!

It is quite long but there is a lot to show.

looks like a great setup! probably a little complex in the beginning, but i can imagine the advantages and speed-improvements to the workflow (if you're into controllers and stuff, some guys just like to do it all by mouse and keyboard)

i recently switched to a steinberg cc121 controller (daw is reaper). single fader like your alphatrack, transports, 4-band eq-controller (reaeq or you can assign other plugins) and a damn awesome AI-know. you can control every knob that is under the mouse-cursor (doesent work sometimes with older vsts..) amazing controller, it reduces my needs for something like the BCR.

but, some kind of touchpanel like yours would be great to control various stuff, like sends, grid settings, macros etc... any infos on how to implement it?

great video demonstration and nice accent!

cheers man!
121 is awesome... i previously had a bcf2000 and a Avid Artist Mix, but i didnt liked them too much, i always grabed the wrong faders... :P
now with the 121 there is only one fader so you exactly know what you are going to control. eq-control is great in reaper, most awesome thing is the AI-Knob.
a little expensive, but it improved my workflow by 10times! now i think i need a touchpad like ECO so i can control some more reaper-settings which i use often.
Hum, I am considering the artist mix. Why are you saying you always grabbed the wrong fader ? Are you taking about EQing, or just general mixing ?

I am specifically interested as I am a Reaper user too !

the CC121 sounds cool but... again, no track label, so you still need to know by looking at the screen which track you are working on right ? That's a no-go for me :(
I am watching the video. I am impressed by the touchosc part. I didn't know it could be so ergonomic. I have to research into that, as I have an ipad already.
i do have a question. I had experimented with TouchOSC years ago via WiFi and didn't really like the results. Are you actually using it through USB or wifi here and have you experienced any instability?
Wow, I set up OSC in a matter of minutes. It is really as easy as setting up the IP address on both sides. I might test using my iphone as a faderport like, and my ipad as an 8 track with some plugin controllers, and then see if my workflow deserves a physical 8 track controller !
I might actually buy a BCR and do something similar do your setup. I did not know you could set up a BCR to 14 bit, and use relative knobs. That was one of the reasons I never bought a BCR, but that makes it actually exactly what I would like, for such a low price. I too wanna use it to mix without looking at the screen and at that price it's worth it !

Quick question how do you do to show more than 4 modules in VMR ?
i do have a question. I had experimented with TouchOSC years ago via WiFi and didn't really like the results. Are you actually using it through USB or wifi here and have you experienced any instability?

To answer you : as of right now, using an old Apple Time Capsule as a wifi router (i mean it's not the latest wifi standard), it's almost instantaneous using my local wifi. It's good enough to mix with a good response time, I felt comfortable. Tested on an old Ipad mini, an iphone 6 plus, yosemite and reaper, on a macbook pro 15 retina.

It literally takes 5mn, and 5 dollars, to try it. It was so easy to setup I was actually surprised.
Glad you like it guys!
Setting up TouchOSC is a piece of cake and i never had an issue whatsoever( it always stays connected, no lag, etc)
It uses wifi, the usb is just charging the tablet.

I did my best with my english yep?! hahaha
I might actually buy a BCR and do something similar do your setup. I did not know you could set up a BCR to 14 bit, and use relative knobs. That was one of the reasons I never bought a BCR, but that makes it actually exactly what I would like, for such a low price. I too wanna use it to mix without looking at the screen and at that price it's worth it !

Quick question how do you do to show more than 4 modules in VMR ?

Yes, there has been a firmware update that allows 14bit resolution and 3 different relative modes...

as for VMR... i dunno, i just load the modules and it shows them all.
I have had issues with the TouchOSC editor which does not work on yosemite

It is weird for VMR, anyone else is stuck at 4 modules in VMR ?

In pc touch osc editor works fine and vmr shows up to six modules