She Said Destroy (look here despite the band name . . . please)

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
This band BLEW ME AWAY! I had been putting it off because I thought it was some "core" band. They're on Candlelight, and the recent record for this label has been pretty good.

Here's a sample:

I'll try to get around to uploading more, because this bands stuff has a lot of variety.

I'll try to describe it by saying they contain the atmosphere of early and mid Neurosis at times, the chops of Meshuggah at other times, and the sick grind style of maybe Nasum at other times. But the band is completely different than any of those bands. If you can give a better description, please do.
Nate, I thought it was a well-known fact that you like *core, and I thought it was obvious that noone else (around here, at least) does, so WHY NOT STOP THIS MADNESS RAAAAAAAAAAAARGHGHRAHGRGHAGRGHRGAAuääh..
