Shining Fury/Symphorce


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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You guys gotta check these 2 bands out if you haven't already...I know you see the banner on the top of the page everyday! haha Anyways, I came across a couple of their albums and they are stellar. I would call them "power metal" for sure. In the vein of Edguy or even beefed up Maiden, Stratovarious, Kotipelto, etc. Greeno probably already has these discs...haha JOHNNY D, you owe me... if you don't have these guys you gotta take my word and pick 'em up since I bought Edguy...haha SWINE, I'll send you a copy!
Well, I like SYMPHORCE but am surprised at all the hype that SHINING FURY get. The songs are ok but that one ballad that is over 8 minutes long is one of the worst things I´ve heard in awhile.
tedvanfrehley said:
You guys gotta check these 2 bands out if you haven't already...I know you see the banner on the top of the page everyday! haha Anyways, I came across a couple of their albums and they are stellar. I would call them "power metal" for sure. In the vein of Edguy or even beefed up Maiden, Stratovarious, Kotipelto, etc. Greeno probably already has these discs...haha JOHNNY D, you owe me... if you don't have these guys you gotta take my word and pick 'em up since I bought Edguy...haha SWINE, I'll send you a copy!

lol ok you Bastard ya got me I will try and find me some of both bands :D
tedvanfrehley said:
Nu UH! You don't like that one? I guess it's safe to say, then, that Shining Fury doesn't get your vote for band of the year? I gotta say, I like it. But then again, I like Stryper....
Nah, I probably won´t even remember the album or that I have it by the time the end of the year rolls around. :D

I´ve never been much into slower songs / ballads. I do like STRYPER as well but I prefer their Rockin' stuff and always skip their ballads.
AngelWitch73 said:
It´s good to have found a board where you can mention liking STRYPER and NOT have people freaking out about it.

:D it took a while to get it this way lol ya just gotta have the right people .... anyways Stryper is a cool band Fuck those who dont think so and fuck their stereotypes! :p hahaha I gotta stop