Shit away from home

Can you pooh ...

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I think it's all about conditioning. Until I started to travel I couldn't take a shit anywhere else but home. But now it's not a problem. I always use public toilets with loads of tissue on the seat, or if there's not enough paper and the toilet doesn't look friendly enough, I sit on my hands (and by the time I finish the job my hands are withered and hurt like hell :D).

Once I took a shit outside, but I was a kid then. I don't think I could do it any more, especially if there's no way to wash my hands afterwards. I think it's more important for me to wash my hands after it, even if it's just pee and not poo. So at festivals where there's no running water, I buy bottled water first.
sit on your hands? ooh wow wee. Anyway I generally prefer my own, obviously but i don't mind using others if I have to. There was this one time I was curling over in agony at my girlfriend's house with real bad stomach pain! and she kept saying use our toilet but i knew it would be a bad idea!! So I held it and when I left I struggled to the nearby pub. My god, have I ever been so pleased to see a piss stained bog seat in my life!! Wow it was luxury, Nepalmed it too, somewhat ungrateful towards the poor toilet. But it was there for me, I'm thankful
i must say i dislike the french sort of toilet. but if i have to go im going. no matter what. you lot are poofters.
I can't shit in public bogs, I really dislike it... But when I was at Wacken Open Air and Summer breeze (though those on the festival were quite OK, but only during the morning), I got no other choice... What a trauma, seeing your neightbour shoes while pooing is really... :erk: I can't find my words...

And yeah, plastic toilets like dixi or toi toi are really banned for me... :)