Shit that hurts!

Finally some progress and some pussy shots! You know, a picture with pus, that yellow liquid... It doesn't hurt anymore as much when I squeezed it out, which is nice.

Dam you! I literally almost vomited! Guess it's my fault, I did click.

I guess you don't like pussy pictures? :flame: I edited a warning to the first post

LOL have you used my video as a tutorial? I would be so glad LOL

Nope; I just pressed the right side and it came out by itself and then wiped it off with a wet toiletpaper
this is what happened to my foot..


in plaster for 3 months then inflatable robot boot thing....

i present to you "ROTTEN FOOT"


I'm sorry you were in pain, and I'm glad you're healing and that the procedure was a success, but seriously...
Dude, get the ingrown nail fixed. I had one for 6 years until I finally got it fixed in the military :lol: Took like 2 minutes, of which 1,5 minutes was for the local anaesthesia. That actually hurt a shitload; the doc ran two big needles to the left and right of the big toe, and that was un-plea-sant! The nail was almost a centimeter long :erk: Hasn't recurred, though :cool:
I had a painful one on my finger a couple of years ago. Since I am a stupid fuck and only go see a doctor when I completely mutilate my fingers or so (got that from my father, the old bastard would probably keep building houses if his legs and right arm were cut off with a chainsaw), I forced thick string between the ingrown part and the flesh, gradually increasing the amount of string for a week or so and ta-dah, it got better :D

But seriously, don't do that. It could have gotten very bad.
Dude, get the ingrown nail fixed. I had one for 6 years until I finally got it fixed in the military :lol: Took like 2 minutes, of which 1,5 minutes was for the local anaesthesia. That actually hurt a shitload; the doc ran two big needles to the left and right of the big toe, and that was un-plea-sant! The nail was almost a centimeter long :erk: Hasn't recurred, though :cool:

Yeah, I had one of them fixed in the military too, it didn't take more than like 6 minutes or so and the anaesthesia was pretty much the most painful part of it, that did hurt like shit.


My feet are nice compared to my broken tooth:
