Shitload Of New Album Questions


Metal Madman
Feb 15, 2002
Northern Michigan
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Will the new Anthrax album have song titles with initials such as A.I.R., A.D.I., N.F.L., etc...?

Will there be any backward titles like "nikufesin"?

Will the NOT MAN be incorporated in the new album somehow?

Will Scott do any vocals like he did on Startin' Up A Posse?

Will there be any rap/metal songs like Bring The Noise and I'm The Man?
*Will there be a Rap song? Hmmmm, never know with Anthrax, it's certainly a possibility.

*Will Scott sing again? I'm sure Scott will sing at least something on this album, he always seems to get at least a line.

*Will the NOT man be incorporated into the new album? Ofcourse he will, do you remember the not man on the inside of Volume 8?

*Backwards names? I think Anthrax got over this naming scheme back when they still had Joey in the band, but you never know!

*Any short abreviated names? I would be willing to bet that they do have one on the album like that!
No offense Thraxman, but personally I hope they don't do any of that shit. This is coming from a die hard fan since the day Fistful of Metal came out.

I just hope that they take this release EXTREMELY serious. Meaning no games, no jokes, nothing but ballcrushing, angry, we are going to claim our're rightful place on the top of the metal heap by showing everyone that the masters of speed and emotion are done fucking around!!!! (not that Volume 8, Stomp or SOWN were not serious/emotional efforts)

Scott, Charlie, Frank and John......I emplore you......make this one so heavy and packed with emotion that I cower in the corner of my room for fear of hurting myself......
Ballcrushing, huh?

Guess music affects guys differently than girls. LOL

Cause to me, that would be a BAD thing.

Especially the way you guys carry on when you get hit in the nuts.

And you all say WOMEN make no sense.

As many have pointed out... nice to have a voice of reason from the other sex on this board - bRaTpRiNcEsS!

Anyway, as far as repeating themselves... similar songs always get compared, and usually the original songs end up referred as to "classics" while the new ones are referred to as "clones" or "cheap imitations"... usually with the obligatory "not as good as the original" label attached. Sure, there are some exceptions to the rule, but usually that ends up being the case, even when the new songs are a bit better.

I always look forward to their new material, hopping to hear something new and original that I might end up referring to as a "classic" rather that something that has already been done. But then again, it's their album... anything they want to do is fine with me!

But, since we are talking about what we would like on the new album... I want variety! Different songs packed together, multiple changes on each song, and hopefully more guitar solos (maybe even a bass solo intro) and melodies...
1. From what I recall of the tentative song titles, there wasn't a title with initials...but if they did, it certainly wouldn't compromise the "seriousness" of the release.

2. Somehow, I think we've probably seen the last of the backwards titles for a while, unless it pops up on a b-side or something. My moniker may be the last of the "nikefesin's".

3. We'll have to wait and see about the Not Man. I'm sure he won't be on the cover, but that's not to say he won't make an appearance in the liner notes. As long as he's not a huge figure on the cover, his presence would also not compromise the "seriousness" of the release. (I keep using "seriousness" that even a word?)

4. I certainly wouldn't rule out some lyrics by Scott, even if it was part of a transition track, like his vocals on "Cupajoe".

5. Been there, done that. Anthrax did rap-metal when it was fresh and original, when they were leaders, not mindless followers. Of all these thoughts, this one would compromise the "seriousness" of the album, and I hope they don't do it again, unless as a b-side somewhere (which I might add, is how their previous rap songs have been released...I'd still love to hear "I'm the Man 2002" with John included.

6. As for Armored Thrax's comments, I want to see a "ballcrushing" record, too, but showing a bit of personality, and showing that the band can have fun does not necessarily take away from the record. Tracks like "604" and "Cupajoe" were not what I would consider to be "serious", but they helped make Volume 8 one of the best fuckin records ever released...and acted as contrasts to all the other "ballcrushing" tracks.

7. As for Brat's question about ballcrushing...gee, Brat, don't you like tit-crushing music? :lol: I guess it depends on your point of view. Normally, ballcrushing would be a very bad thing, but then again, so would headbanging. Maybe it is a reference to the S&M undertones of heavy know, the videos with leather and chains and women in thigh-high fuck-me boots and ballcrushing...:devil:
No offense to Armoured Thrax, but since when was being really heavy an amazing accomplishment. If you want heavy you can listen to Cradle of Filth for all I care. I think if a band can write good songs and have a general amount of talent and turn into something like Pearl Jam, NIN or of course Anthrax then that's way better.
But you know if all Anthrax is trying to do is to be heavy then fuck it I don't think I wanna bother. Luckily I know their not that stupid.

"There are maybe bands that are maybe louder and faster and play in a deeper register than we do, but to me, that's almost more comical and stupid than it is heavy." - Danny Carey of Tool

For all of our female Anthrax fans on the board, in response to "Ballcrushing, huh?

Guess music affects guys differently than girls. LOL

Cause to me, that would be a BAD thing.

Especially the way you guys carry on when you get hit in the nuts.

And you all say WOMEN make no sense. - bRaTpRiNcEsS"

For the ladies, how about, "Booby Bounching", "Butt Pinchin" Or "Leg shavingly good".

Just a thought, and yes, I myself being a man never understood how "Ballcrushing" could be good! Ouch!
Aug: Okay, I will accept "butt pinchin" but that's it.

I have to draw the line somewhere.

Shaving legs is never good (the act of doing it every other day, not saying that I don't do it LOL) , and leave my boobs out of this. :lol:

I still don't get the "felt Charlie's bass drums in my nuts" statement (or something very much like it) somewhere on this board from a few weeks ago. Was it GREG?? I bet it was. Sick fucker. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Guess I just need a PENIS to get that one. (I'll get a reaction from him sooner or later).

NFF: You're right on the faces, I think it comes from the majority of men that run the place. I just always thought that ballcrushing was a bad thing the way every guy fears getting hit there. Boobs aren't nearly as important to women as balls are to men. As boobs are to men, also.

matter: Talent is in the eye of the dude/chick paying the money to own it. Personally, I think Pearl Jam is a load of shit and NIN isn't far behind them. But you and obviously millions of other people like them. Anthrax's lyrics always added an edge for me in addition to the music. Their lyrics are better than most bands in that most of the time it makes you stop and think, whereas other bands, you don't even blink, just keep jamming. I think that has always set them apart, whether they were serious or just fucking around. A heavy album is fine, a less than heavy album is fine. Personally, at this point, they could put out a whole CD of power ballads/love songs and I would be happy with it. :p
Just a joke bRaTpRiNcEsS, I hope you see the humor. I've had several women in my lifetime tell me that getting hit in the chest was almost as bad as a guy getting kicked in the Nutz! Anyhow, I hope you got a laugh out of that post, that was I meant to do.


Why do some women get breast implants? It's almost like a common thing these days. You'd never see me getting a dick enlargement. Just be fuckin happy with what you got!!!!!

I'd prefer real B(o)(o)bs over fake ones even if the boobs are smaller than mine. (And I'm a skinny mo-fo!)

BTW-I'd rather hear "Ass Kicking Music" than "Ball Crushing Music"
The latter doesn't sound good to me either.
Yeah, implants seem to be the rage these days...since you don't like implants, how would you feel about a woman using Bloussant rather that implants? It's like it's always advertised on those damn infomercials!

Originally posted by Thra:rofl:ude

Why do some women get breast implants? It's almost like a common thing these days. You'd never see me getting a dick enlargement. Just be fuckin happy with what you got!!!!!

I'd prefer real B(o)(o)bs over fake ones even if the boobs are smaller than mine. (And I'm a skinny mo-fo!)

BTW-I'd rather hear "Ass Kicking Music" than "Ball Crushing Music"
The latter doesn't sound good to me either.