Shitload Of New Album Questions

I think I've figured out how we got to ballcrushing being a "good thing" for heavy music.

Each generation has to go a bit further to push the limits set by the previous one. Consider that Elvis and the Beatles were considered shocking, but then to get the same kind of reaction, we had to see Alice Cooper getting decapitated, and the Ozzy biting head off bats, and then Marilyn Manson...well, just being Marilyn Manson. Imagine what our kids are going to have to do to freak us out.

And so the same goes with our metal analogies. Headbanging...kinda painful, but the headache goes away. Then there was ass-kicking, which wasn't much more painful, but now we've come to ball-crushing, which really grabs our attention...well, the guys attention anyway.

Maybe Anthrax can do a cover of Quiet Riot's "Bang Your Head", but change the lyrics to "Crush Your Balls". I don't think MTV would play the video though.
At least give me a reason why you think Pearl Jam and Nine Inch Nails are both crap. If you like Anthrax because they make you think with their lyrics then I think it's well and truly lame that you don't have respect for NIN or Pearl Jam.

:cry: :cry: :cry:
First, I have no idea why girls get implants. Obviously it's because they think that men want them too, because there's really no other reason, unless she's a lesbian and her girlfriend wants it, which I can't see happening either. Some girls' self-esteem is so low they think that they'll get more attention if they have bigger boobs, except to me that's attention you really don't want.

Second, I don't like Pearl Jam because Eddie Vedder is a whiny fuck. His voice annoys me, it's like he's slurring. OOOOHHH they came from Seattle. As far as I'm concerned, the only decent band Seattle put out was Alice in Chains. My best friend was the hugest fan they ever had, and I heard all of their songs, every last one of them. I don't consider their lyrics thought-provoking in the slightest way. NIN does nothing for me, because I hate bands who don't play their own instruments and rely on computerized shit to make their music, a man in his 30s trying too hard to relate to what a 15-year-old is going through.

Third, MTV won't play an Anthrax video unless they get the queen pop tart in it. (delete THAT Steve!!) And some low-riders and they have to put "bitch" and "ho" in every verse. And threaten to shoot every other metal band. And dress like gang members.