Shittest claim to fame?

OK, I have a couple.
My sister and I grew up with Kim and Rhona Alexis. They lived a couple of doors down and we were friends. I spent a lot of time down at their house as did my sister. Well, furthermore, they were both swimmers (as were we) and swam for my dad, he was an AAU coach. If you don't know who Kim is, she ended up supermodelling.

Alan Ginsberg read a our college and hit on my boyfriend at the time, Randy.

I made lunch for Bruce Cockburn. HE came into the Temple once for lunch while he was playing up the street at Hopkins.

My Great Great Grandfather was a Comanche Chief named Quanah Parker and the founder of the Native American Church, which is practiced by thousands of people in many tribal nations across the country. He fought in many historic battles and was responsible for many legal signings with the federal government that affected the face of the west as it is today. Good and bad. He took care of many people as well. They were one of the very LAST bands of indiginous people to be brought under the reservation because of HIS ability to lead in war. They could not be caught and were some of the very few that actually surrendered themselves instead. His father Peta Nocona was also a Comanche Chief and Medicine Man.

My grandfather (grandson of Quanah) was an engineer for General Motors and CEO of a division. He was one of a couple of engineers who developed air-conditioning for cars even before it was used in houses. My parents used to test drive the test cars he was working on. He was the head engineer in GM in this developemental technology.
me and some mates were at some obscure bar at the reeperbahn in hamburg, there we met mikkey dee of motorhead. he told us a really crappy joke, and we talked a little about lemmy. good fun.

i drank beer and talked to a couple of the guys in pretty maids backstage after a show, while their bassplayer was shagging a groupie at the toilet. good fun too.
The first cleaning job I had was for Dr. Carl Taylor and Mary Taylor. I worked for them for a couple of years. They both had worked previously in China, India, and Africa developing the Barefoot Doctors Program, which became THE model for movable adaptable medicine for rural third world nations by progressive medical outreach programs from the west. Out of this program, he and his son helped develop what is now called Doctors Across Borders.

Mary had a list of credentials as long as her arm as well.
Oh my, did I say all that? I must have been manic at the time. You know, I get triggered by my usual trigger, then I spin out of control, can't sleep for days, unconscious about what comes out my mouth, er, fingers, and just, well, get self- destructive beyond reason. I gave up apologizing for these things a long time ago, since it just keeps happening over and over. Why bother? eh, LIVE WITH IT!@ I have to!