Shitting & Pissing = INCONVENIENT!


Metal Madman
Feb 15, 2002
Northern Michigan
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While I was taking a dump this morning, I realised something. What if we didn't need to shit or piss...wouldn't that be great!? I always found that going to the bathroom can be quite inconvenient and get in the way of things. What do you think?
dude, they made this new thing ive had for a while, its called rubber pants, its sweet. extra large pantlegs and extra greesy, so you shit or piss and it runs right down and falls out when you stand up. dude look into it.
This is when I read the Metro section or the Business section of the Columbus Dispatch, because I read sports, entertainment, and the comics as soon as I wake up and drink my coffee. Once the coffee kicks in and breaks the shit up, I head to the throne with the other sections of the paper.
Hey Brat: there was a Metal hammer article way back in 1999 where they went to John Bush's house, and he talks about his morning ritual (which actually consists of the paper and coffee and taking a shit) They also have some cool shots of Bush's house and he tells cool stoner stories.....when ever I buy a scanner for my Mac I'll send the article your way, I think you'd dig it. I dunno what made me think of that, but you are such a Bush fan so I guess that is what made me think of it. you go to the MEGADETH chat board? If not someone else is using that name too. Just wondering.

I bet Brat will agree that when you're a parent, the only alone time you have is when you're on the john....and sometimes the little bastards follow you in and take that away from you too!

We all know which "John" she wants to be "on" anyway!

Damn, I'm funny.
LOLOLOL OH I'M BLUSHING!!! (no, not really)

Ty, I'm holding you to that. I also really hope you thought of that because I am such a fan and NOT because he takes a dump in the morning. Cause I'm not sure I like that word association thing you got going on there. :lol:

Greg, not my kid. That little bastard follows me in there and if I shut the door on him he beats on it until I let him in before the screaming ensues.

And sshhhhh, before you let my secret out. :eek: (yeah you're REAL funny LOL)
Whenever I get a scanner..... I also remember Bush and his roommate (he shares a hollywood hills pad) being to tight to run the air conditioner!! I'm broke as hell and I always run that thing! Bush lives in fucking hollywood and won't spend the $$$ Anyway, the interviewer mentions all the frigging fans running in the place and Bush says "we only run the air conditioner when we have to, too expensive." So Brat, whenever you make it to Bushs house, you can expect a sweaty Bush.;)
Hey Brat!!

It is strange how these twisted ideas come to me while I am taking a dump. Taking a shit is really annoying when your trying to watch your favorite program and then all of the sudden, BAM! you've gotta shit.

Originally posted by bRaTpRiNcEsS
Someone remind me to never sit/stand next to slayer85. EVER.

And why do men always share what goes on while they're taking a dump? I find the pride involved disturbing. :lol: :lol: :lol: