shitty awakening? crappy day? angry as a bee? <-- growl here

@hearse: thanks for the PM....for what i've heard is really worth....and supercheap, too!!!

@oisinito: yep, pinguins lead a way of life full of joy, love and fish....all a redhaired human like you could ask for...I couldn't get that sort of life because I hate fish, but the pinguin suit really fitted me ;)

fv (more like a koala or a raccoon)
but the pinguin suit really fitted me ;)
now, don't make me imagine things ;) :D

good morning world!!!:wave:

no shitty awakening here...just a very early one...
my last 55,5 hours in greece... (unless i'm counting wrongly :p)

anyway,gotta go now...
just passed to say hi to the board!!!!! more of me later...
