Shitty Week (I missed the new year)


Jan 11, 2004
Denzel, WA.
my birthday was last friday, so I had everyone over for the night and it was a blast. Got stupid drunk and the whole next day I felt great, no hang over, nothing. Well the next night around 2AM I decide to go to bed after watching a movie. This is when it hits me. I get one of the nastiest stomach viruses ever. Turns out everyone at the party got it too. No clue where it came from. So yeah... I was up all night throwing up and shitting my brains out, and I slept all day, and slept right through new years completely. Called out of work today because of it too. This fucking sucks.:puke:
so will is infected too? Man that sucks. I'm sorry to hear that man. Hope everyone is alright. Maybe it is because he became mod on this board?
hey laura, If will is infected it means no man for you for a while or you will get stomach aids from will
NOTHING is worst than puking and squirting.... I hate that feeling.
When the stomach is not at ease it feels like your entire body is about to break...
Sorry you got that nasty virus that was going around Mike....
I know so many people who also got it... :/