Short head, big plans

Oct 22, 2007
I've been looking at the mesa mark IV short head and i must be pretty dense because i can't find an answer to this-

Does the short head fit into a 19" rack?

I know it physically fits *inside* the rack (the head's width is 18-3/4 inches) but will the extra quarter inch mean that the head rattles around in the rack? I could add some foam either side- but i'm not sure if ventilation is an issue. Will i have to leave a rack space above the amp vacant?

I try searching this and i just find the rackmount version of the the head, which i don't want. (If an 8U rack is too big for a gig we're playing i want to be able to remove the head and just gig with that. The rackmount version looks veeery fragile)