Short interview with Gonzo.


Aftermath..Shades of Hell
Aug 5, 2005
This is from the Armored Saint "myspace" blog.
It's at

Monday, May 29, 2006

Short chat w/ Gonzo

Gonzo and I spoke briefly on Saturday. He gave me a quick rundown of all things Armored Saint. Check it out below.

MB: Armored Saints first show is June 16, 2006 in San Francisco and then a show in Santa Ana on June 18, 2006. Then you head over to Europe to play in places like Germany, Italy and the UK for a couple weeks. Is there any show in particular that you're looking forward to the most?

GS: All of them. It's nice that we have a couple warm-up shows in California before we go over to Europe. I think if there is anything I'm looking forward to in particular, it's that we'll be able to get together as a band again. Those shows in Europe will really tighten us up and give us a chance to really come together as a band and a unit. We'll be playing almost every night in different countries. Seven shows in nine days. By the time we hit the Hollywood House of Blues [July 7], I believe we'll be in top form. (Or close to it, smile.)

MB: What is it about being overseas that will tighten you guys up the most?

GS: We'll be playing mostly every day or night in eight different countries with some language barriers, however we'll mainly be focusing on the music and having fun.

MB: The House of Blues show also features Death Angel and Flotsam & Jetsam. By then you guys will be at the top of your game, but you'll also be playing with a killer lineup. Who brought the three bands together?

GS: I could be wrong but I believe Dan Devita (our business guy) brought it together. I'm glad we have that line up for the Hollywood show. We met Flotsam & Jetsam when we played in Arizona for the first time. We kind of struck up a friendship, but its been many years since weve been in touch. Recently one of the guys in that band contacted me [through] about maybe doing a mini-tour this year. Then this show came up and there you go.
Re: Death Angel: we met in the beginning of our career, during the 80's we played a show with Death Angel at the Kabuki Theater in San Francisco. It was awesome. That was then and this is now. It's cool to play a show together again after so many years later.

MB: Any chance that one of the shows this summer will be recorded for a DVD release?

GS: Yeah, actually Joey recently informed me that he worked something out with Metal Blade to do a four camera live shoot of one of the European shows. It will be our first live, production DVD.

MB: So right now you and Phil are rehearsing. In the next couple weeks it will be the full band, correct?

GS: Our first time together as a full band will be right after Joey gets back from a Fates Warning run. I think it will be around June 10. So right now it's just Phil & myself rehearsing. We're pumping it up & really trying to put together a high energy Armored Saint show. We want to be physically ready and flawless. (Or as close to it as possible.)

MB: You told me recently that you guys are rehearsing about twenty-six or twenty-seven songs and that you'll trim that down for the actual set list. How many songs are you going to narrow it down to?

GS: Well, we've done some haggling and we've narrowed it down to about eighteen songs. But who knows, that could change. We'll definitely build the killer Armored Saint show.

MB: There's an Armored Saint book in the works. How that coming? What kind of book is it going to be? Who is the author?

GS: Jon Sutherland is the author. He's been a friend of the band since way back in the beginning. He proposed doing a book. It will be sort of like a discussion of Armored Saint, not just somebody telling a story. A lot of different people will be interviewed. It's really at the beginning stages. It will take a lot of legwork.

MB: Speaking of anticipating new things, what's the word on you guys getting together and actually recording an album of all-new, original material?

GS: Phil and I have been writing. We've given some raw ideas to John. However, as a band, we still have not discussed a new record.

MB: Are you guys under contract with Metal Blade or would that have to be negotiated too?

GS: I believe we have one record to do, under the current contract.

MB: From my perspective it looks like things are starting to fall into place. Like the planets are aligning for Armored Saint, what are your thoughts?

GS: Well, I like the way that sounds. This is my personal view, but I do think the planets are aligning for another wave of Heavy Metal. There's a whole new generation of metal fans out there. Kids love this genre of music. VH1 is even doing a "History of Metal" show. To be playing together as a band in 2006 is awesome. Hopefully we'll catch this wave and do some damage.

MB: Anything you want to add as a parting shot? Maybe something you want Saint fans to know about?

GS: I just want the fans to know that I am very excited. I'm glad this band has come together to do some shows. The fact that we are all available to do this is a real blessing. I think we have an opportunity to expose our music to a whole new audience. I'm optimistic, inspired and motivated. Hopefully, if there is an opportunity to do a new Armored Saint record, it will turn out to be the best we've done.

MB: I share your optimism and think you guys do have the ability to make your best album ever. I like the fact that "Revelation" was such an old school Armored Saint album, but at the same time it was modern. It showed you guys still have it and really can make the best Saint album ever.

GS: We've grown and changed as people, and we're still friends. I believe positive things will come out of this. I definitely feel that some of the best of Armored Saint Music/Songs is yet to come.

MB: I'm excited for the band and for the fans. Thanks for taking the time out to do this.

GS: Sure. Anytime.

:cool: :rock:
I'm pretty sure Saint practically has an "infinite" contract with Metal Blade. They're pretty good buddies with the CEO and I think Joey's wife is actually some kind of a big shot there as well.
It's a good situation but on the other hand it would be nice if the label would kick their asses harder to make some new music.