Should I buy this?


Aug 27, 2003
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I was just browsing through a used instrument store when I came across a Behringer Bass V-Amp Pro(the rackmounted one) for 100 bucks. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this or the non-rackmounted model, and its sounds. Is it worth it? I won't only be doing metal stuff, but I'm just curious if this has any good sounds at all. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If I decide to get it, I'd have to get it by tomorrow afternoon at the absolute latest, so if possible, respond ASAP. Thanks in advance.
I had the guitar version for 2 years before I retired it (from my main rig, I still use it to practice) and I chose that over the POD 2.0 as in an A/B test the v-amp wiped the floor with the POD. For $100 it's a nice pre-amp and if you've got the money spare I say go for it.
It's worth 100 bucks. I have one but I rarely use it (have other stuff I like better) but it's a nice unit for a modeler. I agree with Razorjack, it DOES mop the floor with the original POD.. not an XT though.. the XT sounds way better than the Vamp.
I've used the v-amp for vocals on occasion, it tuned out ok. Give it a whirl.
Ok, thanks a lot. I think I am gonna go pick it up tomorrow. I've been wanting a Sansamp RBI for a while and may still get it, but this is so cheap and the online reviews appear to be pretty positive, so I'll get it.