Should I go to this show?

Erik said:
ugh i think they're pretty sterile and predictable live... but that's just me

Well, it was my first time seeing them live, and one of my only times seeing a metal band that I actually LIKE live.

They definitely need to mix their setlist up. Character and Damage Done are good albums, but I'm pretty sure their fans are getting sick of those fucking songs.
MajestikMøøse said:
I imagine Roadrunner has something to do with that fag shit.

Seriously, I'm not sure if I want pay $30 something to hear 3, maybe four old Opeth songs, a bunch of new shit that I don't care for, have to listen to that Devildrivel (<--- Awesome unintentional typo) and some Dark Tranquillity stuff which I'm sure will be ok, but I was never big on them so it's sorta meh to me.

Not to mention that time is a precious commodity while at school, in the middle of a bunch of midterms and papers (and before anyone says anything, that's exactly why I waste all my time arguing with teenagers on the internet :rolleyes: :loco: )

They toured with them long before the Roadrunner signing (without doubt one of the worst bands I've ever had to sit through), they're just trying to buy credibility by getting on high profile tours. As for whether you should go, if it's interfering with your studies and you don't care for recent Opeth, fuck it.
You might meet some chicks.

No seriously, there were a FUCKTON of attractive girls at the Opeth show in Raleigh. No kidding. And not all of them fit into the category of "slutty Hot Topic chicks" either.
Well, there will be a lot of dudes there as well. Being Opeth fans, they will be used to the pleasures of ass-ramming.