Should I make a scene in Public?


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
The way people in this town have warped brains, I might've been arrested for making a scene in public. But sometimes, shit is just so fucked, ya really want to respond.

In this case, I was out shopping, and it was getting dark. Parked my car next to a total shitbox. This thing had like 400 dents and scrapes all over it. Should've been ticketed for disposal in the junkyard. Cop was sitting in a cruiser nearby, but was a lazy-ass and didn't even notice.

I looked over and saw who was getting into this fucking shitbox: a Moslem woman. She was wearing that fulll-body hijab shit, with a complete veil except for a narrow slit for her eyes. I mean, we're talking Taleban fashion-show garb, the sort of shit one can only see at a market in Mecca. But here we were, in a Shaw's Supermarket parking lot in the U.S. of A.

Normally I shouldn't be worried about someone's fashion, except I realised, the reason her car looked like the Terminator worked it over is because SHE CAN'T SEE A GODDAMNED THING WEARING THAT FUCKING ISLAMIC SHIT!

Where's the cops?

Its one thing for this oppressed bitch to wrap herself in this ridiculous outfit and stumble down the road unable to see.

It's quite another thing for her to get behind the wheel and blindly careen down the road and vainly attempt to navigate through a parking lot without smashing every other car with her fucking piece of shit.

I did nothing but wonder. After all, I did not care to make a scene, then have that lazy-ass cop arrest me for persecuting this stupid bitch and then spend the evening behind bars.

I cannot do an overpaid pubic servant asshole's job by informing this islamic whore's duty as a motorist to have unobscured vision, can I?

There are plenty of other moslems around down with a scarf wrapped over their heads. That's fine. They respect their religion and conduct business. But this fucking blind-ass bitch has to go totally Saudi Taleban and jeopardise everyone in the path of her fucked-up death on wheels shitbox!

Why can't the police intervene to end this unsafe practice? I'm feeling threatened by this situation. She's starting the shitbox and its rattling like crazy. The front-end is all fucked up after she plowed into some unsuspecting victim of her religious fanaticism. She still has a license, and she's still driving that crushed soda can.

Damn, that pisses me off!

Hey EVIL DEAD, you see Iraqi bitches behind the wheel wearing this shit, or are they forced to let the men drive over there?

Jurched said:
The way people in this town have warped brains, I might've been arrested for making a scene in public. But sometimes, shit is just so fucked, ya really want to respond.

In this case, I was out shopping, and it was getting dark. Parked my car next to a total shitbox. This thing had like 400 dents and scrapes all over it. Should've been ticketed for disposal in the junkyard. Cop was sitting in a cruiser nearby, but was a lazy-ass and didn't even notice.

I looked over and saw who was getting into this fucking shitbox: a Moslem woman. She was wearing that fulll-body hijab shit, with a complete veil except for a narrow slit for her eyes. I mean, we're talking Taleban fashion-show garb, the sort of shit one can only see at a market in Mecca. But here we were, in a Shaw's Supermarket parking lot in the U.S. of A.

Normally I shouldn't be worried about someone's fashion, except I realised, the reason her car looked like the Terminator worked it over is because SHE CAN'T SEE A GODDAMNED THING WEARING THAT FUCKING ISLAMIC SHIT!

Where's the cops?

Its one thing for this oppressed bitch to wrap herself in this ridiculous outfit and stumble down the road unable to see.

It's quite another thing for her to get behind the wheel and blindly careen down the road and vainly attempt to navigate through a parking lot without smashing every other car with her fucking piece of shit.

I did nothing but wonder. After all, I did not care to make a scene, then have that lazy-ass cop arrest me for persecuting this stupid bitch and then spend the evening behind bars.

I cannot do an overpaid pubic servant asshole's job by informing this islamic whore's duty as a motorist to have unobscured vision, can I?

There are plenty of other moslems around down with a scarf wrapped over their heads. That's fine. They respect their religion and conduct business. But this fucking blind-ass bitch has to go totally Saudi Taleban and jeopardise everyone in the path of her fucked-up death on wheels shitbox!

Why can't the police intervene to end this unsafe practice? I'm feeling threatened by this situation. She's starting the shitbox and its rattling like crazy. The front-end is all fucked up after she plowed into some unsuspecting victim of her religious fanaticism. She still has a license, and she's still driving that crushed soda can.

Damn, that pisses me off!

Hey EVIL DEAD, you see Iraqi bitches behind the wheel wearing this shit, or are they forced to let the men drive over there?


Over here women dont drive, not allowed for the most part. And if they are I havent personally seen any of them driving. But most people in cars are usually looking for work or going to blow themselves up so ya gotta pay attention.

Obviously it is a sexist thing not to let them drive, because they would "interact" with other males. But I like to think that maybe..just maybe they have some sense and figure it would be hazardous. But shooting at an Apache is dangerous, and that happens alot too.

But in the US you cant do anything because you would be violating civil rights, unless you find a judge who isnt a pussy.
gaschamber said:
yes, cause a scene, and if you see her again, kill her, slit her throat ear to ear and leave her lifeless remains in a pool of her own blood, then piss on her.

just a suggestion

Make her drink pigs blood first!
Evil Dead said:
Make her drink pigs blood first!

I swear, this shitbox was totally FUCKED UP!

What the fuck, man?????

Its been two weeks, and I'm still pissed as hell at this stupid-ass fucking bitch!

What a fucking piece of shit! Where's the DMV when ya need them? Where's the on-the-spot safety inspections? There's too much shredded rusty metal all over that squeaky, leaking, banged-up fucking shitbox to allow it on the road!

And what about that fucking bitch? If I were her brother, I would throw acid in her face for dishonouring the family reputation by piling her car into every immovable object in the city!

Stupid stupid stupid stupid STUPID fucking Islamic bitch!
