Emasculation on America's highways


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Arrrrright, this morning was fucked up! Totally, totally Fucked up! (And you know I never fly of the handle without reason.)

So, as I'm turning my smooth ride onto the entry ramp, what should follow me onto the highway?

An ugly bitch in a birka! (So fuckin ugly, I advise her to adopt a full veil to have mercy on the public's eyesight.) That's right, some fanatical moslem bitch behind the wheel, head wrapped in with a blasphemous scarf. I thought Islam forbade bitches to drive, but that's for the imam to decide.

Anyway, guess what was sittin next to her, in the passenger seat?

You got it, some dippy, gawking, castrated faggit! No balls to be seen within a mile of him!

So this proves to me just how emasculated this country has become. Even immigrants, who left their camels and just stepped out of the desert, can't help but lose their manhood as soon as they step foot in this country.

Even these wife-beating, daughter-killing, sister-defacing islamic devils suddenly become the most pathetic, weak Walter Mitty types, sitting in the passenger seat, staring into their sunken crotches, while their brutal, domineering bitches take charge!

Women drive men everywhere in this country. I see it every day. Its as though men cannot operate a motor vehicle when a woman sits next to them.

Perhaps Geico or Allstate demand it, since their statistics suggest women are better drivers than men. On the other hand, my wife constantly complains about erratic bitches on the road, talking on their cell phones while wandering into everyone else's lanes.

In order to save what little shreds of masculinity that remain, I advise all men on this forum to do yourselves a favour and drive your ladies to wherever you have to go. Treat them like princesses, and offer to chauffeur them.

In other words, regrow a fuckin pair balls, and use them! Don't sit there like a pathetic lump of dough, making her do all the work!

The only time my wife drives is when I have been over-served. I love my wife to death but, she is such a shitty driver, I sometimes check to make sure she isn't Asian.
That said, there are great women drivers out there. My older sister had a 73 Cutlass when I was in grade school. She never backed down from a race and drove the wheels off that bastard.