Should Mexican Immigrants Be Allowed Into The U.S Freely

I think they should be able to stay here, i mean, california did belong to Mexico in the first place. Then the white man, thinking they are superior, come and took it away. And yet they believed they were doing God's will. Manifest destiny they called it, they were just lying to themselves, making themselves believe it was ok
The Sioux (who were from Mexico) stole that land from other tribes anyway. I think we should've made the reservations bigger. We don't even use all the land we took.
I think illegal immigrants should be shot on sight. Then again, the economy of California would collapse if that happened, wouldn't it?

meeseface - Vae victis. Those Mexicans are themselves mostly the descendants of bloodthirsty Christians who directly and indirectly caused the deaths of millions of indigenous Amerindians. Just got their comeuppance...and now it's the States' turn. Talk about cyclicality.
Those Mexicans are themselves mostly the descendants of bloodthirsty Christians who directly and indirectly caused the deaths of millions of indigenous Amerindians. Just got their comeuppance...and now it's the States' turn. Talk about cyclicality.
