The box set is out of print, even on the web site it says it being not available or something to that extent. I ordered it once(less than a year ago) from god damn HMV, was told that it would take at most three months to get there because it was an import(which is bullshit, it shouldn't take that long), then four months later I got a call and was told it was out of print. That store blows. All the good CD's there are SO expensive(well, not at the one in Toronto, that one kicks ass) and they always fuck up orders. Every single good metal CD there is $24.99 or more. All Nevermore $24.99, In Flames 25.99, Opeth $25.99. IT SUCKS!
But yah, it's out of print as far as I know, which sucks, but at least I got my hnads on the import DHIADW with the vid tracks.