Should Nevermore release bonus CDs in the U.S., just like Europe?

Should Nevermore release bonus CDs in the U.S., just like Europe?

  • Yes (We deserve equal treatment)

    Votes: 12 85.7%
  • No (The wrong people will get into metal for the wrong reasons)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes (It's Profitable here, too.)

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • No (Not worth the trouble [Fah-Q.])

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
Jon Schaffer may be arrogant at times, but I agree with him when he said he's sick of the Americans getting the shaft. European and Asian releases often have bonus tracks, and I'm sick of it. A lot of times, the tracks are awesome, but I'm not gonna pay $25+ for a CD for 1 or 2 extra songs. Wake up, record labels, we're sick of getting the shaft.

End Rant.

I think a good idea for bands who have released a lot of tracks that way is to compile them on a new EP and sell it for cheap in the US so we can get those songs. Megadeth did it with Hidden Treasures, and I think it sold pretty well (though I could be mistaken).
That's true...I forgot. A lot of times, Europe will have 1 extra track and Japan and Korea will have 2 or 3, compared to the US release. It's not always the case, but it happens often enough. I think it was Jeff Waters of Annihilator who said that the reason is because of the Japanese and Korean governments requiring some type of bonus (earlier release and/or extra tracks) to get people to buy locally instead of importing the US ones for cheaper. It kind of makes sense, but I think they should just lower the price on the CDs if they don't want people to import from the US. Or, just don't release a version there and make them import it. I don't understand the entire situation, so any solution I can think of probably wouldn't work.

Now I'll just go cry in my corner because I don't have the extra songs. :cry:

BTW, in case y'all are wondering, that quote from Jon Schaffer was on the bonus CD for Horror Show when he explained why the CD was released simultaneously in Europe and the US and why they didn't make different versions. He had stronger words about it than I did. Basically his point was that if the labels want to help metal grow in the US, they need to start treating the fans here the same as they do everywhere else. I, for one, was grateful.
And Lo, The NoLordy said "Let there be Failing Systems in the land of the Wallaby." And He saw that the Failing Systems were good, and the World rejoiced, knowing the NoLordy was more full of shit than Warrel the Dane when Constipated.
The box set is out of print, even on the web site it says it being not available or something to that extent. I ordered it once(less than a year ago) from god damn HMV, was told that it would take at most three months to get there because it was an import(which is bullshit, it shouldn't take that long), then four months later I got a call and was told it was out of print. That store blows. All the good CD's there are SO expensive(well, not at the one in Toronto, that one kicks ass) and they always fuck up orders. Every single good metal CD there is $24.99 or more. All Nevermore $24.99, In Flames 25.99, Opeth $25.99. IT SUCKS!
But yah, it's out of print as far as I know, which sucks, but at least I got my hnads on the import DHIADW with the vid tracks.
The Jap CDs and LPs are way far more expensive than all the rest all over thus the companies have to do smthing to make Japs buy the stuff.
NoLordy you are getting better post by post.:lol::lol: