Should we do another clipping death song?

Say your prayers little one
Dont forget, my son
To compress everyone

Slam you in, Clip within
Keep you free from sin
Till the Pro Tools he comes

Sleep with the threshold open
Gripping your master tight

Exit mix
Waves L3 Fiix
Take my band
Limit to never never land

and so forth...
Dude its a MUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i think and justice for all/audio:headbang:
Trapped under mics (rip lars snare), masterer of sorrow, flattened, hit the lights, ride the limiting, clip and destroy, the poor soundmen (four horsemen), One (db dynamic range), the struggle with him (point to the dismasterer), lars is a douchebag (not a song title, just felt it needed saying). Possibilities are endless, some of them actually good :lol: