Should we do another clipping death song?

Damn, I just noticed that Enter Sandman hasn't been played to a click. I tried 123 and 124, but they are both out of time. I also tried 123.15 in which it was in time for like 7 bars, but after that Lars starts to live a little and then it returns to the click at choruses. Maybe thats why that song rules! Should I put program the drums to 123 tempo?

edit: I have all the drums programmed now for "enter soundman"
I reckon next one should be "one" ("won"?). The story of a man who lost his hearing listening too loud to Death Magnetic and suffering from severe tinnitus driving him crazy and isolating him from the rest of the world. And because the artwork parody is just the best :)

Some quick stupid ideas (just to show it's not too hard with this song and Dan will do something awesome (much better than those)):

I can't understand anything
Can't hear if this is true or dream
Deep down inside I hear nothing
This tinnitus ringing stops me

The loudness war is through with me
Dead tympanum, I can now see
That there's not much left of it
Nothing is sound but hiss now

Oh I'm deaf as I wish for deth
Oh please god, cure me


Now the loudness war has been won
Oh god, help me


Loudness is deafening me
All that I hear
Absolute horror

... yeah I know that sucks but you get the idea!